Chapter 18

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I sighed and looked up " hi Alexis. What do you want?" She smiled sweetly "Hello Lex!" I rolled my eyes "It's Aly." She scrunched up her nose. "Eww what's that smell?" I looked around "I have no clue what your-" she but in "oh! It's you and you crook buddy's." I whipped my head to face her "us?" I got up "US?" She smirked and got in my face "yes you." She pushed me back "have a problem?" I stumbled and then let's just say.. I punched her. Hard. She didn't get knocked out or anything. But I mean she did get a nose bleed.. But still. Sarah pealed me off of her "OK! OK Aly!" I yanked my arm from her grip then turned to Alexis "don't ever touch me again." And with that I left, why? Because I noticed what a grat way to get kicked out! I ran inside and ducked behind the door breathing hard. "Oh my gosh. I really just did that." I closed my eyes "dang it Aly! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Your so dumb! You dong punch the girl if she hits you! You walk away! AWAY!" I yelled at myself. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM THOSE THINGS! THIS IS YOUR DREAM AND YOUR BLOWING IT!" I slid down to sit on the floor and held my tears back. I promised myself before I got here that I wouldn't cry. It wouldn't happen. I was a strong girl and I was not about to start bawling from some hard times. Not me. I sighed and kept my eyes closed afraid that if I opened them a tear would fall and I would break my promise. "Hi, are you ok?" I opened my eyes and looked up. "Oh! Um.. Hi!" I tried to be perky.. And failed. She smiled and sat next to me. I noticed her as the girl from class. I sat up "your Lunden right?"

This is the great view I get of all the girls point shoes.. That I don't have.

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