Chapter 11

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I watched contently as Jessie left the room. The door closed and I fell back onto my bed sighing. "Well. Glad that's over." Sarah glared at where she had stood and barked at the door. I arched an eyebrow "why are you barking?" Sarah shrugged and started doing a combination. "Why not!" I shook my head, I can't focus on that. I needed to go to sleep. I climbed into my bed hoping they would take the hint. And they did. Gracie smiled "Well, we'll see you tomorrow Aly! You need sleep." I smiled back "thanks guys." Sarah nodded and did a leap out the door. I gave Avery and Gracie a small smile as they left the room. Tyler walked towards the door and stopped "thanks." I didn't bother to look up from what I was doing, "for what?" He still faced the outside "covering for me, and giving up your necklace." I turned to face him, "Tyler?" He spun around "yea." I laughed to myself "your welcome. That's what friends are for.. Oh, and about the necklace." He smirked "what about it?" I laughed "it's a fake." He shook his head laughing "I should have guessed it." I smiled "anyway, they're right. I have to rest for tomorrow." He nodded "right. You and your crazy shoes and teachers." I laughed "you don't?" He laughed "me? No. I don't dance." I smirked "mhm, so what are you here for?" He chuckled "i sing." And then he closed the door. I smiled at the closed door and fell asleep. "ALEXANDRIA!" I opened my eyes slowly "wha?" Jessie starred at me "GET UP! YOUR GONNA BE LATE. AND THEY'RE GONNA BLAME ME!" I sighed and climbed out of bed ignoring Jessie and catching a glance at the clock. "6:53?" I screamed, class started at 7 and I was going to be so so so late. I grabbed my Leo and tights and flat shoes. Jessie called from in the bathroom "DONT FORGET YOUR POINT SHOES!" I laughed to myself and ran out the door. I glanced at all the doors trying to find one that had dancers behind it. After I finally found the room I ran in. Gracie pulled me over next to her "your late! On your first day." She whispered in my ear. I nodded "I know, I know... I'm sorry." Gracie shrugged "don't apologize too me." I looked around, Avery was practicing her arabesque while pushing down on Sarah while she was doing her middle split. Gracie bumped my shoulder "warm up!" I shook my head "right." I glanced over from me too see a brown headed girl practicing pirouettes. She was landing triples and was really close too quadruples. I smiled watching her and turned to Gracie without turning my whole head. "Gracie... Who's that?" She was busy doing pliés. "That's Lunden, she's one of the best dancers in the school." I smiled "wicked."

This is Lunden.

The girl with the pink point shoesWhere stories live. Discover now