Chapter 10

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Everyone was silent. I sighed "really guys?" I got up and sat on my bed "never mind. I thought i had SOME  friends. If you all just came in to stare at me then go ahead. But I have class in the morning. So I'm going to bed." Tyler groaned "Aly wait." I turned to him "what?" He sighed and pulled out his phone "watch." He handed it to me and I clicked play. I watched the video play, it was me. When I fell. They taped it, I kept watching as the scene changed and it showed me, poo covered. I gave Tyler his phone back slowly. Sarah shrugged "I say we go get ice cream to cheer you up!" Avery looked at her for a long time, clearly confused. And Sarah just looked back smiling all the while. I couldn't see much because of the tears that were at the tips of my eyelashes. "Why are they so mean?" Tyler glanced at me "are you crying?" I wiped my tears away. "No! That's crazy." He arched an eyebrow "Aly?" I tried.. I really did.. But I failed. They came rolling down my cheeks like air running through the leaves on the trees. Gracie sat next to me, "Aly, don't cry. Don't let them get to you." Tyler gave me a cute side smile "yea, aren't you dancers supposed to be the strong ones?" I laughed a little and wiped my eyes "your right." I glanced at Tyler "your both right. I can't let them-" just then the door popped opened and Jessie waltzed in. As soon as she spotted all of us she froze. I stood up "Jessie, I can explain." She gave them a mean glare and then crossed her arms at me "really? Good. Because I'm gonna need a pretty good explanation." I sighed "fine." "and I'm gonna need a favor." I shook my head "an explanation is all you get. And anyway, like I would ever do anything for you." She gave me a mean smirk, "or I could just tell head mistress madam carp that Tyler was in your room." I caught a quick glance at Tyler and his face read pure terror. I sighed "what do you want Jessie?" She nodded "that's what I thought." She glanced around the room and walked over to my jewelry box. "What's this?" She pulled out a diamond necklace. I smiled at her "it's a one of a kind diamond necklace that my rich aunt in Washington got for me." Jessie smiled evilly "I'm taking it." And with that she left.

This is the necklace.

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