Chapter 27

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Wil tapped me on the shoulder as Karen roamed around the dress. I had explained why I had borrow money and gave fifteen dollars to her as a thank you for playing along.

I turn to Wil and nod. He wants to talk to me.

He take a deep breath and blurts out, "I like Karen."

I tried so hard to keep my face neutral but I failed so badly. My nose and lips twichted. I bit my tongue so I would gigge.

I knew that already! The way you look at Karen, the way she looks at'll make the cutest couple! I fought the urge to suddenly squeal.

I swallowed hard but a traitorous giggle escaped me. Wil shot me a look that made me giggle even more. Soon, he was chuckling and I was having a giggling attack.

I looked over at Karen and she looked sad. Like, really sad.

"One sec," I tell Wil but added, "I won't tell." He nodded.

I stroll to Karen, concerned. What has her so sad? I want to know!

"Karen is everything okay?" I ask, worried. "Is this is about the ten buck I borrowed earlier...?"

She shakes her head but doesn't say anything. Her gaze slips back to Wil and everything suddenly clicks.

"No, no, Karen. Wil and I are just friends. He just had to tell me something. He likes a certain someone." I giggle a bit as her whips to mine.

"Who?" She demands, clenching and unclenching her fist.

I giggle a bit more. "Can't tell you," I added, "You have anything you want to tell me?"

She sighed, defeated. "" She cringes. I grin really wide, I was sure it strached from ear to ear.

I get a sudden idea. I jump up and squeal. Karen looks at me as if I'm crazy. Which I probably am. "We should give you a makeover!" I left out the part Wil would get one too.

She thought about it and slowly nodded. I squealed once more, my brilliant plan will so get them together!

"Awesome!" I run over to Wil and grab his arm. We walk out the store, me dragging them to a hair salon. I'd do it alone but I have no idea how to work hair. My hair itself goes down to my knees. Yes, that's why I'd wear it in a bun. If I put it into a messy braid, it would reach my bottom. I have no idea how to cut it so I just leave it.

I shoved both of them in and pretended to dust my hands before walking in.

I spoke to the worker in a hushed voice and she agreed to my plan.

While she cut their hair, I went out and grabbed clothes for them. I could tell by just looking at them what their sizes were.

I entered some random store in the mall that was close to where Karen and Wil were now.

I flipped through racks of clothing and found nothing that screamed Karen to me.

I envisioned Karen in my mind. I looked around the teenage girl's aisle.


I smiled.


I ended up with designer jeans, blue blouse, and leather jacket for Karen and ripped jeans with a black leather jacket for Wil.

I grin. Just they wait.

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