Chapter 36

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I was in the courtyard, waiting for Wil and Karen. Karen had said we needed to talk about something, something super important.

I wondered what it was.

My voice was fine, fortunately, the spice that I needed was actually available at my own kitchen. I had made it and then thrown up like always.

I looked around at all the students eating their lunches, reminding me that I didn't have one.

It grumbled and started hurting. Black spots danced in my vision. I took a deep breath and blinked them away. But they kept reappearing.

I sighed and stumble to the water fountain. Taking greedy gulps of water, my stomach stopped it's complaining now that it had something inside of it.

I glanced at the boys. They seemed to be talking in heated discussion but we're whispering, casting wary glances at people closest to them.

I wondered what they were talking about.

Two figures approaching them caught my attention. They were both females and with a shock, I realized it was Marie and Danielle.

My eyebrows furrowed. What was going on?

They reached the boys and they glanced up, irritated. I smothered my giggles when Danielle flopped on Nathan's lap.

His facial expression turned form shock to disgust and he shoved her off his lap, hard.

I internally winced. That would hurt.

Marie was standing at the side, facing Silas and North. Her back was arched as if she was going to do a backbend. Her chest was pushed in front of Silas's face.

He seemed to be going purple, if he took a breath, all he would get was a mouthful of Marie's chest.

My face was red as I refrained from laughing.

Suddening, Jade is strolling her way there, stopping in front of North.

His expression is irritated as she plops into his lap. He shoves her to the ground just like Nathan did to Danielle.

Again, I internally wince. That would hurt really really really bad.

I see Jade and Danielle rubbing their backs with pained expressions on their faces.

A rush of anger over runs me. White hot anger takes the place of my humor.

I grit my teeth. How dare they mistreat them! What did they do to them?!

I stalked my way over them, careful of some students lying down on the grass of the courtyard.

As I made my way over to them, the remainder of the boys - Kota, Victor, Luke, and Gabriel - look over in my direction and spot me.

Their faces brighten instantly and I get even more angry. What were they happy for?! How dare they treat women differently as if one has more power than the other! I thought we woman had rights!

"Hey!" I shout angrily and find satisfaction when a little bit of fear is visible in their eyes.

I take a deep breath, blanking my face of emotion and building my mental wall higher.

I stand between the girls - Jade and Danielle - and the boys.

"And I thought we women had rights!" I turn to Nathan and North angrily. "You hurt them!" I gestured to Jade and Danielle.

At my comment, they started rubbing their backs harder, with exaggerated pain on their faces.

Nathan and North stayed quiet as I raised my voice - which wasn't very loud - at them. "You should've respected them! Woman rights!"

They had the guts to look down at their shoes, shamefully. Something directed my attention to the right of me, Marie was moaning as Silas gasped for breath.

My anger disappeared and humor took its place. Silas's face was still purple, turning blue and green. A shot of concern cut through me and I rushed over to them.

I gently grabbed Marie's arm and dragged her out of Silas's face. "You were choking him," I explained to her but her face just turned red with anger. "He couldn't breath since your chest was in the way."

She finally exploded, "Wait till Mom hears about this!"

I pale. She was going to tell Mother?

The boys look over to us curiosily, their faces calculating. I turned, hiding my face as tears threatened. Please not Mother!

My breathing quickened and I pushed to bring my mental and emotional walls up higher.

I swallowed and turned back with a sudden new confidence.

I knew self defense and if I get kicked out...I'll always have Karen, right?

"Bring it on."

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