chapter-9 Feelings are hard to express.

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Abhay's POV

So I said "Don't" which startled her. But I cared less about it and said it in a stern voice. But the reaction what I got was the opposite of what I expected because of my dad's speech about her.

"What? "She asked me with a confused expression plastered on her face. "Don't remove the bangles and mangal sutra." I said in a strict tone....I even wanted to add about my liking towards them...but i kept quiet.

"But why?" she asked me in a confused way. "I hate it when women tend to remove bangles and mangal sutra when they sleep. So don't ever remove them. Bangles and mangal sutra should be on your body all the time." I said in a warning tone.

Many thoughts were running in my head about the thoughts which will be running in her head so I was about to explain the reason for it meanwhile she said"whoa ...please...firstly, am not so old for you to cal me a woman and secondly I can't sleep having them on me. The sound of bangles doesn't let me sleep. However I'm never going to wear them when I start going to collage aging. I don't want to tell all the people that I'm married by showing them these" she said while gesturing towards the mangal sutra. So what? Doesn't she want to let people know that she is married...Is she crazy or what?.

"So get habituated with this. Moreover now-a-days who is wears them. I don't want to become a dumb goat by wearing and showing that I'm married" she said as if she is very much particular about it. I was startled by her explanation and came into a sitting position. I was infuriated by her words, my anger was clearly visible on my face.

" I said I don't like it when you remove them" I said with anger filled in me and trying hard to control it too. " I said I don't want to wear them." She said me without any thinking about my words or my interests.

Her words have given me a chance to unleash my anger suddenly I gripped her arm and with a strained look on my face I said " never dissent me , try to listen what I say or said. If I speak sweetly it doesn't mean that I will tolerate what you do and I don't hate you. I sill hate you and listen to whatever I say and you will never take those bangles and mangal sutra ever from your body. Do you understand me?" I said in a stern face. I can see that tears are about to roll from her eyes but I didn't back down.

" Even I hate you. Idiot I hate you so much and never ever think that I'll listen to faking you." She said with rejection filled in her voice. How dare she swear at me? "What did you say? Say it again" I asked in a very low dangerous voice. I will show her how it would be like to swear at me.

"fck you...!!!" she shouted at me as if she threw the words at me and started to release herself from my grip. My face is hot with all the anger contained within me. I started at her at tightened my grip on her. " You are hurting me" she said without looking at me. I tightened my grip even more and tears started pricking her eyes.

"Apologise....!!" I said starting at her. "Never..!!" she said and turned her face away. I tightened my grip on her more and said " apologise..!!" in an anger filled dangerous tone. She is breaking down. "I'm sorry are hurting me" she said with tears rolling on her face. I flinched for a second for hurting her but my anger is back on track when I remembered her swearing at me.

"Say that you will not dissent me" I asked her not releasing my grip on her. " Say it...!" I said it even more a kind of threatening way. "Okay ...fine..I'll not...please leave me." She said. I jerked her hand off.

"Never expect yourself to have a dominating hand on me. It will be me who will, so never even try to. Did I make myself clear?" I asked her with warning tone. She just nodded at me. She ran away to the bathroom. Why is she like this....very arrogant. She certainly brings out the worst in me. How can she behave with her husband like this...that too on her first night. Doesn't a girl on her first night should be calm...polite and accepting. Didn't my mom say anything to her? Arrg...these questions are killing me...priory the marriage...and now this idiotic girl who swears on her husband right on her first night.. priorly this first night is killing me.. I thought to myself and disturbed the arrangement of flowers in the heart shape on the bed. I need to show who I am...I will show her place. I really wanted to behave very sweetly with her, I wanted to start fresh but her, she who spoiled everything and made her living with me worse. I'll show her what it will be like to abide me, disrespect me. Game begins.

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