Chapter- 24 A trip to GOA!!

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Abhay's POV

I left her at the college with her luggage without speaking anything. I stayed silent or else I know I will blurt out something or the other if I speak to her. Today is the day she is leaving for her tour. The moment I started the car to leave I can see from the mirror that a boy and a girl approached Priya and started to hug her. her expression changed after seeing him. The boy looked at my side with an expression of rage, the reason for which is still unknown.

The engine roared off onto the road and my thoughts onto the unknown person. Who is he? And why did the expressions of Priya changed after seeing him? I have to find it. She started to lie to me and something is going on. I can easily sense it.

"Abhay, wassup?" said patted me on my shoulder bringing me back to the present state. "no—nothing. It's just I started with the project report and I am unable to complete it." I said and stared at the desktop.

"really?" he asked with a hesitation.

"yes," I said in a monotone and didn't move my head.

"okay. But remember that you have me to share any of your problems with." He said with a smirk and left.

Why? Why do I doubt her? She is my Priya. She will never break my trust. 'Then why did she lie to you about the phone call?' my inner voice questioned me. I fell into a deep well of thoughts.

I started to feel so restless thinking about her. Why dam it? Why? I feel so frustrated about the lie. This is the second time I feel she is breaking my trust in her.

I made myself busy with all the work and a chance to escape from the tenacious thinking.


Priya's POV

Finally, we reached Goa, and I am very much excited about the trip. But there is this feeling in me which is literally haunting me as if I am committing some mistake, lying to someone. I feel like I am missing something. I feel lost as if I am incomplete.

"Priya, c'mon move fast or else you will be lost," Martha shouted to gain my attention. I was brought back from my thoughts and maintained my pace with them.

"what were you thinking about?" jai asked while coming from behind. I was startled with his proximity.

"not—nothing" I stuttered. Was it really that obvious that I think aloud? I sighed and caught up with Martha. I strongly decided to stay with Martha rather than jai in any situation.

"c'mon stop running. I am not going to eat you" jai chuckled. I gave him a blank stare and turned to my side.

"it seems that we are going to the beach today." Jai again snuck behind us informing the schedule. I was alarmed with him. Why does he scare me like this, sneaking around?

"Oh, that's really cool. Yaayy..!!" Martha exclaimed. My mood started to change with her jubilant state. I smiled at her and hugged her tight. Why can't I be like her, happy and peaceful? You are a married idiot.

"so, I will meet you people in an hour," Jai said and started to disperse to our rooms. It's been quite a beautiful day in Goa. The pleasant sounds of chirping of birds and the sounds of the waves filled my ear causing my inner self to ascent itself.

The cool breeze started to caress my exposed neck and creating havoc in my heart. The flashes of Abhay caressing my neck and kissing it started to fill my mind. I miss him. Abhay, I miss you.

"Priya--- Priya" Martha came shouting towards me holding my mobile phone. What happened to her?

"what happened?" I asked with confusion washed over my face. "someone was calling from a very long time. I picked it up sorry, but no one spoke and again they started to call again." She said and handed me the mobile to me.

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