Chapter - 26 You Can't Escape My Love!

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Priya's POV

"we need to talk about that situation," I said while sitting opposite to him. " I don't want to listen." He said while flipping the TV channels. "please stop that." I said snatching the remote from him. It really angered him. He straightened himself facing me with a stern look on his face.

"okay say what do you wanted to say. Say about you forgetting about me. And say about leaving my call unattended and say about lying to me about the call on that day god damn it!" He said yelling out the last part.

I was dumbfounded when he mentioned the call. Did he know about the call? Then how come he behaved so normally with me the whole time? My eyes widened in horror.

"C'mon, why are you silent Priya? Speak now. Did cat get your tongue now?" he asked with a smirk. I lowered my head. What should I speak now? I didn't do that willingly.

"Abhay it's not like what you think. I didn't mean to do that. It's not like what it seems to. Please, Abhay let me explain." I pleaded.

"fucking stop it Priya." He yelled at me coming near me. he caught hold of my hand in the process making me stand. " I wanted to forget about that so only I came to pick you up in the morning. Do you want to bring back those thoughts and fucking want me to behave like the way I wanted to?" he questioned me looking into my eyes as if he is staring at my soul. I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh! Yes, perhaps I should. Don't you think Priya? Do you want to learn what all I know about you?" he asked fuming.

"I didn't do anything except that." I paused. "Trust me."

"trust you? Really? After what all you have done, should I trust you again? This is the second chance I have been giving you and yet you are treating me the same way as years ago. I said you I don't like being lied to even then you have lied to me. I said you that I trust you, but the next minute you have lied to me about the call. After all these, should I trust you again?" I was confounded with all the words slipped through his lips.

I need to say something to defend myself. I know that I haven't done anything willingly. I want to stay strong and independent. I don't want to be scared of Abhay. I have to voice out my feelings. " I can explain," I said boldly.

"Oh please! Stop your bull shit. Then explain me about that some guy behind you in the morning, leaning all over you and rubbing himself on you. Explain to me about why you are not proud of introducing me as your husband?" he asked enraged. Jai wasn't leaning on me. He only stumbled onto me. How come his eye doesn't catch the whole situation but only the faulty ones?

"Why are you silent Priya? Don't you have anything in defense?" he said while catching hold of my cheeks with his hand and tightening them. "He is not someone and he is my friend. He has helped me when you were not there for me. And jai wasn't all over me for your kind information. He just stumbled." I said in a low tone.

He was quiet for a moment boring hole into me with his bloodshot furious eyes and suddenly started to clap. I knitted my brows in confusion. "Wow, Priya. It's fantastic. Ten years back we faced the same kind of situation and now in spite of me being your husband still you are defending some bastard. I am nothing to you Priya." Oh my god! I don't think this going in a proper conversation.

"I have got the most beautiful yet disgusting wife." He said that out with pure disgust. "No. No Abhay, please listen to me, please. Please. I can explain." I said and rested my hands on his chest to calm him down. He is infuriating. "you are nothing Abhay. You are my husband. You are special to me." I said pleadingly. Yet he laughed.

"hats off for your acting skills Priya. I never knew you would act so well. You can lie so well and many many more. But just you lack in giving love to your husband. Respecting him, or at least being truthful to him." He said with fake astonishment.

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