Chapter - 25 Home Sweet Home!!

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Abhay's POV

Gosh! Why did I come here? I am waiting for the past half an hour and there is no sight of her bus. Here I am waiting for her at her college. Why the damn did I come? I shouldn't have. The moment I saw her text my heart was longing to see her, feel her in my arms. These few days were like a hell to me. Why can't she understand my love towards her? I sighed feeling helpless in my own life.

The bus was entering the college premises and my heart started to beat rapidly with just the feeling that I am going to see her after a whole week. I stood very far away from her bus. I didn't want to show her that I can't stay without seeing her. I didn't want to show her that I didn't sleep all night thinking of her and came running in the morning.

I was just waiting for her to get down and spot me. I wanted to witness how much she was longing to see me. I just stood folding my hands over my chest leaning onto the car and waiting.

She got down. The sight of her itself made my heart flutter. I just wanted to run towards her and crush her in a hug. But, I want to have some self-respect. She lied to me over a very small thing and totally forgot about me the entire trip.

The same boy from the previous week got down along with her. Something was inappropriate with him. I feel negative vibes seeing him itself. I need to find out about that person who was so close to my wife. Literally feeling her.


Priya's POV

We finally reached. Now I can soon reach home and see Abhay. I will apologize to him and everything will fall in line. Priya, there is nothing to worry. Just say him the truth and everything will be solved. I smiled to myself.

I hurriedly got down from the bus. Jai was behind me all the time, helping me with almost everything. Everyone was getting down hastily and jai tumbled on me trying to maintaining his balance.

"I am sorry," he said while giving an apologetic smile. "its okay," I assured him. Some of them were helping to get our luggage from the top of the bus. I offered them my help by lifting my hand in the air to take some luggage.

"Priya, umm what's that?" jai asked pointing towards my waist. Terror struck within me the moment I saw him where he was pointing. My hands instantly came back to their original position and my shirt back to its original place.

"noth—nothing. It's nothing." I stammered. "but I think I have seen a sort of a bird." He hesitated. "okay." He said after understanding my uneasiness. " I will leave then bye," I said in a hurry to escape and came far from him. He was still staring towards my side.

I gave one quick glance around the place and my I caught the most awaiting image my eyes were longing for. The RED car. our red car, so Abhay has come for me. my heart was jumping in joy with the sight of it. Oh! I missed you Abhay. I missed you so so much. I ran towards him.

He was leaning on the car with his eyes fixed on me. He looked amazing with his devilish hair sort of ruffled. His lips were forming into a smile but his eyes held some unexplained emotion, kind of fear. But why?

"Abhay!" I dropped my luggage from my hands that instant and hugged him tightly. I didn't care about anyone seeing us or anyone knowing about my marriage. I just wanted to hold him tight in my arms. I just want to relish the moment. I sincerely missed him so much. His arms circled around me the instant I hugged him. "Abhay! I missed you so much Abhay. I am very sorry for that day. I sincerely want to apologize for that. Please Abhay, I am really very very sorry. Please." tears started to form in my eyes. they were the tears of ecstasy. " I am sorry." I cried in his arms.

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