Chapter 16 • "That's the problem."

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Tilly's POV

He stood there motionless and lost for words.

"I-I don't know." He shakily says.

Just give him time. Just give him time. A voice said in my head.

"That's the problem Luke. You never know. I just want to be friends." I say and he smiles at me and leaves.

I pull my headphones out of my bag and plug them into my phone pressing the shuffle button. Fix You by Coldplay starts to play and I lean back against the tree and listen closely to the lyrics.

When you try your best but you don't succeed.

The meaningful lyrics are sung into my ears beautifully.

Lights will guide you home.

I believed this was very true as I was a true believer that everything happens for a reason.

The beautiful song was interrupted by my mum ringing me. I quickly pulled the earphones out and answered the call.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi honey." I could already guess what she was going to say. "I'm going to be home late tonight. I'm sorry. Cook yourself some dinner, I should be home around nine."

"Okay Mum. How's your da-"

"Sorry Honey I've got to go. Bye love you."

"Bye love you too." I say and she puts the phone down.

My mum always seemed to be busy at work and I could never have a full conversation with her unless we were practically trapped in a room together.

As for Luke he was still confusing me so much but soon I will get to the bottom of this. I didn't realise how confused we both were the only thing is I don't know why he is so confused it's like he is hiding something from me.

I don't bother putting my headphones back in I just sit and watch the people passing by.

"Are you going to Joe's party next weekend?" I hear someone ask as two girls walk past.

"Boo!" A voice came from behind me and I screamed. I turned around to find Michael holding his stomach laughing at my reaction.

"It's not funny." I said holding back from laughing.

"Oh it was." He says and then becomes awfully serious. "Just remember what I said. No parties." He says as he looks behind me causing me to look too and I notice Alex walking over. "Bye." He says and pulls me into a hug but soon walks away just before Alex approaches.

"Hey." He says and puts his arm around my waist and walking towards the gate but I say nothing.

"I thought you had lessons till the end of the day?" I question.

"I did but one of my teachers were ill so we just got told to go home early." He says. "I'll take you home and you can get ready."

"Sure. What do I wear?" I ask.

"Something nice." He says and smiles at me.

As we were walking to the car j gained some strange looks from people I had never seen or talked to. Mostly girls but there were a few boys whispering to each other.

"Where do you live?" Alex asked opening the car door and climbing in.

"16 Rose Bay Avenue." I reply and he puts it into his navigator.

"I was thinking that maybe this weekend we could drive out to a city and take some pictures for art." He suggests.

"Sure. It should be fun." I say and start to wonder where Alex might be taking me tonight.

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