Chapter 43 • "and who's this?"

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Tilly's POV

"Thank you." I replied as she gave me back the dress. Despite the other one still being cheaper I went with the second one as I had just enough. I wandered towards the tills.

As I wandered past a dressing room I noticed a few girls from my school were in there but none of them saw me they were talking to a stylist.

Paying for my dress suddenly made me think about asking if they had a job here.

"That's £96 please." The woman said and I handed her the money.

"Do you have any jobs available at the moment?" I ask.

"We may have. Let me check." She says walking off and speaking to somebody.

"A job for a shop floor assistant is available."

"That's great. What do I need to do?"

"Fill out and sign this." She slides me a piece of paper and a pen. "We will contact you soon." She says and I'm off on my way home as quick at possible.

Once I am home I run straight upstairs and jump into the shower before getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup. It's 6:29 when I am totally finished and so I take one last look in the mirror at myself. I was wearing the black dress that went in at the waist and had a v-line neck along with some black strap heels, my hair was straight and I had a bit more makeup on than I do for school. The gate buzzed and I went outside to meet Michael after letting him in.

"Hey. You look amazing but it's only us girls and guys tonight you know." He chuckles.

"Yeah. I just thought I would change it up a little." I say.

"Are you trying to make Luke sorry?"

"This is payback." I say even though Michael had no idea what went on the other night.

Ashton's house was massive even bigger than mine. Neon lights lit the house flashing inside and music blared through the walls.

"You don't think he threw a party do you?" Michael asks me.

"I don't know." I say as we walk towards the front door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Michael!" A guy who I do not know the name of answers the door clearly drunk. "And who's this." He points at me but Michael just pushes past him grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.

We soon find the rest of our friends: well Rosie and Ashton for now. Ashton is sat down smirking at Michael.

"I can't believe you dude." Michael laughs.

"It's a celebration but don't get drunk yet we're performing at 7."


"Don't worry everything's set up." He assures Michael.

Calum and Grace arrive soon after and lots of other people from school who I don't know the names of. It's almost time for the boys to perform and everybody is here except Luke. The guys leave and go into the living room to set themselves up on the mini stage and discuss what they are singing whilst everybody else gathers around them.

I grab myself a drink from the kitchen and go back to the living room but there was no hope now of getting to Rosie and Grace so I stood in the small space at the corner of the room.

The sound of there instruments soon filled the room and everything was calm again. I didn't feel as on edge.

"Okay." Ashton says through a mic. "So I threw this party tonight for my band mates here because this may be the last time we get to do this. We've only done it a couple of times before but tonight is really special because we're celebrating the fact that we are going on tour for 3 months."

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