Facts about Dreams and Dreaming

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171. You can neither read while dreaming, nor tell the time. This is because reading and dreaming are functions of two differentt sides of the brain.

172. The idea for Google, the sewing machine and the periodic table were all inspired by dreams.

173. In some cases of 'Premotion dreams', people actually dreamt about things which happened to them later in the exact same ways they dreamed about! Abraham Lincoln, for example, dreamt of his assassination, many 9/11 vicitms were warned about the catastrophe in their dreams and there also were 19 verified precognitive dreams about the Titanic catastrophe.

174. You suffer from sleep paralysis if you have such a bad nightmare that you are unable to move and feel like there was an extremely evil presence in the room with you.

175. Normally, in the REM (rapid-eye-movement) stage of your sleep your body is paralyzed. In rare cases, however, people act out their dreams which has resulted in broken arms, legs, furniture, and in one case even a burnt down house.

176. Lee Hadwin is a doctor by profession, but he draws amazing portraits while sleeping and doesn't even remember having drawn them. This is an extreme case of REM sleep disorder, also known as sleepwalking.

177. Our brains are more active during sleep than during the day!

178. You dream every night - you just don't always remember it.

179. Blind people who were not born blind see images in their dreams but people born blind don't see anything at all. They still dream, though, their dreams just involve the other senses beside sight.

180. Dreams are more often negative than positive. The three most common emotion felt during dreaming are anger, sadness, and fear.


And with that, I'm off to bed! Have a good night, everybody!

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