Facts about Dinosaurs

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651. We know most dinosaurs from only one bone or tooth.

652. There's a cliff in Bolivia with over 5,000 dinosaur footprints which are more than 68 million years old. 


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653. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for 150 million years. We have been around for only 0.1 percent of that time.

654. Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Gallimimus, Triceratops, and all other dinosaurs in the film Jurassic Park (except the Brachiosaurus) did not actually live during the Jurassic Period, but in the late Cretaceous Period.

 Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Gallimimus, Triceratops, and all other dinosaurs in the film Jurassic Park (except the Brachiosaurus) did not actually live during the Jurassic Period, but in the late Cretaceous Period

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655. The first dinosaur bone described in scientific literature was thought to be the thigh bone of a giant human. 

656. The time separating Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus is greater than the time separating Tyrannosaurus and us.

 The time separating Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus is greater than the time separating Tyrannosaurus and us

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657. Technically, dinosaurs are not extinct: Birds are considered a type of dinosaur.

658. Dinosaurs had giant fleas with beaks the size of modern syringe needles


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659. Hans Larsson is a scientist who is trying to reactivate dinosaur traits in unexpressed bird genes. So far, he has managed to create chicken embryos that have teeth and long reptilian tails.

660.The T-Rex doesn't even qualify as one of the 15 largest dinosaurs to walk the earth.

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