Chapter 2

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Reaching the hokage mansion I noticed something unusual, the place was storming with jounins. What is happening here! Don't they have anything better to do than block the stairs and hallway! The red brick building, built in a circular shape under the mountain where the faces of all the former and present hokages are carved, stood erect, the only difference, every nook and corner was now bustling with navy blue and deep green vested personals. What in the world is happening here! Don't they have anything better to do than to clog up the stairways! Its really annoying..

"Hey kakashi, long time no see! " ofcourse, everyone means Guy is also available here seeking me! With a deep sigh I turned to his direction " I bet you missed me, man kakashi you have gone soft in my absence! But not to worry, now that my mission is over, and to my pleasure it was a success!! So anyway, now that I am here i promise you, I wont let you rest kakashi! I give you my word!" His overzealous voice was now attracting the attention of those around me, this is really not happening to me! But oh well, no one else dares talk to me like this. "Anyway about my mission, kakashi, you have no idea what an amazing experience it was! Me and my team almost had it but then the tables turned and we we're the winning party, ofcourse I can't tell you the details but let me tell you this much, I had the time of my life!" Ughh whats the matter with him! What the hell does he think was I doing all this time, knitting mittens! This annoys me a little, but I'm glad his mission went well. So this is where I step in, my turn to irritate him..

"Huh?!! You were saying something there Guy? " my expressions bored as ever.

"Aaarrgghh I hate it when you act all cool and not react! " Guy, on top of his thick voice. Bull's eye.

His team was really talented, much credit goes to him. Its the way we work around here, pupils fresh from the academy are given under the leadership of much able jounins who furnish their skills and stamina, get to know their styles and help them work on it. In the end the student-teacher bond is as strong as the mutual respect and reliability among them for each other, like my Minato sensei and our team had, me, Rin and Obito.

This is one of the reasons I've never had a team of my own, although its much too recommended by my superiors for me to have a team. General theory being, it will help me understand and get close to being a human. I'm not sure its the best of things for me right now..

Now that Guy has left, I'm again gladly isolated, though I'm still not sure what to do while the officials decide how to utilize the lot of us, being summoned here for no apparent reason that is to say.

Just as I was pondering over the waste of time of all these personals, one of the Anbu black opps appeared over the gallery through which the hokage usually corresponds to the people. Anbu black opps are special elite force for the highest officials, they are the most skilled personals, even better than the average jounins. I've served as one too, though the current hokage thinks its not good for my situation. Lord third removed me from the black opps unit and now I'm a jounin.

Being a black opp means protecting the village, by dirty means even. There's too much blood in it, I've never minded my job. Killing is the least of my worries..

After a short delay, the hokage himself appeared. Okay so this maybe is a serious matter.

"Today I've gathered you all here, as I must assume you all already know, for a grave matter at hand. I can sense the distress among my best of men standing before me for the matter of all of you being scaned before arriving here" What does he mean by being scanned! And then on the walls of the hokage mansion, I see them, the shinobi of hyuga clan. Its a clan with a rare type of keke genkai, that is special hereditary powers present only in those perticular genes passed from parents to child of that perticular clan. The keke genkai of hyuga clan is Beyakugan, they are special eyes that can scan the perticular chakra in the individual. So they are here to spot any spy or infiltration. Meaning, right now, we are most likely under surveillance 24/7. I've been out of this place for so darn long that I didn't even knew that, how would I, its been a while since I spent over 3 days in one place. I just returned yesterday, okay then so what next..

"As I was saying, this scan is for the safety of what I'm about to say, should not go beyond this boundry. You are to listen to it here once and never repeat it but keep it safe as it is in your memory, word by word."

"The gathering here is explaination enough for the gravity of the matter at hand, however combined effort and hope can make us go through it all. The fact that the Hidden leaf village resides at the very center of the issue makes it topographicallly more important. "

"The word is, there is an enemy with remarkable abilities who is targetting small dwellings, collecting infants and calling them their tributes.. he takes 2 to 3 from a single place. Rumour has it, he does experimentation on them, he's trying to make a specie that's immune to emotions and skilled for battle. He's infusing different genetic samples of more than one specie."

"His actions, being not humane have caused immense upheaval in the neighbouring villages. Its a miracle the news is not common here. So your job, as you all might have already guessed, is to keep an eye on newborns and the pragnant women, for he's been capturing them as well, experimenting on the fetus. Also to keep it quiet, making sure that the peace of the village is maintained. "

"The enemy possess special visual powers, as my knowledge dictates, you wouldn't want to be noticed by him. The only way of defeating him is mind games. You can only persuade your way out of his attack, which up until now has not been fruitful. Not a single survivor of his attack has been reported, which also makes it difficult for us to make determine his abilities. So on account of this I may say, keep yoursleves alert.

"That'll be all. "

Okay, so probably not what I suspected.. amongst the hustle of returning to their positions of guard there seems to be a lot of bumping into each other. I felt someone hitting my back pocket but I couldn't make out who the bastard was. It'd sure be his last meeting for that reason.

As I reached my assigned position I reached in for my book "When its hard to accept". I've always found comfort in a books cradle. Yes, though I might not seem much, I'm an avid reader, depending on my situations, books always help.

So as I brought my book out, a paper slip fell to my feet. Okay so the bump was afterall not a pervert move. Humph..


Had it not been written in anbu code words the person calling would be dead by 6:05pm.

So I'm summoned at six. What matter could it be to being called at hokage mansion twice in a single day, I wonder...

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