Chapter 18

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I woke up in my bed, though I have no memory of getting here. Guess grumpy must have put me here. Oh well, I'm still dirty as hell and hungrier than a beast. Its an extremely tough debate between bath and food now, but I guess the winner is obvious, its really no hygiene to bath empty stomach. I mean you need energy to walk, which comes from food. So the fight goes in food's favour.

Its probably 4 in the morning, grumpy must be asleep. I don't trust him of what he'll make me eat if I wake him up for my gastric desires, so for, well, a second time, I'm gonna try cooking. Yup, the first one ended up in a blazing kitchen after which I was banned from that area of the house. No one can stop me now.. grumpy is asleep muahahaha...

I tiptoed my way to the kitchen and very expertly put a saucepan on the stove, now I'm basically half way through my cooking. I put some water, and the random vegetables that I found in the stock, cut in cubes. I'm a frrakimg ninja, oh wait I actually am. Haha

Okay so now for spices.. where do I get them.. ooh the kitchen counter.. I checked there and there was nothing.. where does grumpy puts all this stuff, they're not that secret to hide them so well.. maybe the cabinets.. I put a stepping stool to get up there, yeah I'm shorter than average.. and oh, found them! Just a bit further and I'll be enjoying my perfect meal.

Its seems, the nature says, ha! If only! Just as I was about to reach the stack, my foot sliped and now I'm practically dangling from the cabinet!! Its no problem though, I can jump, but before I can let go, the cabinet base lets go and I'm on the floor along with various food items, as if I wasn't dirty as is. Great!

As the kitchen came crashing down on me, I heard running steps of a really scared/worried/sleepy ninja, our very own grumpy with a kunai, ready to attack!

At first he came straight at me, kunai raised threateningly close to my vitals, but as he came close, he recognised my dust+spices+some other grained edibles-covered head. Phew!

"I'm not even going to bother act on this one! But-"

"Actually you already have!" Triumphantly I cut him through.

"Excuse me!!" Sarcasm cum confusion on his side..

"You did attack me, again." I simply stated..


"I was making myself something to eat! What's so bad about that!!" I was genuinely hungry..

"You were- Why the hell do you look like you returned from a war?! A food war most probably." This time it was a normal level of voice, still not a happy tone, it never really is.

"I am starving!"

"Right, you didn't have dinner last night! Okay, just go and get freshen up please! You look really filthy like this! I'll make you something." He genuinely offered..

"I can feed myself, but if you are offering, my food is almost prepared. Its on the stove." which I just noticed smells like burning pride.

"Maybe you haven't noticed or anything, we need you alive, I won't let you eat God knows what you put in there!" A simple statement laced with sarcasm on his side..

"As if! Come to think of it, I think you have some ulterior agendas with all this insistent behaviour!" I replied, squinting my eyes, though I doubt he can actually see my expressions under the chromatic load of depositions on my face..

"Yeah, exactly! If only I can actually execute my ulterior motives, life would've been so much easier!" He said faking a longing expression.

I tried faking shock but, as if on cue, something stabbed my eyeballs! The recipe that fell on my head had migrated to my visual areas and now is acting in kakashi's favour! Damn it! My eyes really burn now.

I ran as quickly as I could to my bath, and dipped my eyes in warm water... and now I asume I'm definitely going blind! The pain felt as if my head would split by its impact! Wrong tap! I quickly opened the other one with the right temperature of water and kept opening and closing my eyes till the water stopped stinging. My eyes stil burnt a little.

Next up, mission sterilization. I really need to clean up before anymore of my bodily coverings harm my vital organs.

It took a considerable time to scrub the load off but in the end I was good as new.

Note to self: never let the dirt dry up on your sweat. It makes an unbreakable bond which makes the usual cleaning products near impossible to seperate them.

Anyway, I put on a decent wear, resembling a human being again and went out to see how's my meal..
"Did you drank yourself to sleep you old hag?! And you want me to live! I don't think I'll survive another bite of this- what is it that I'm eating anyway?!" This was my first response to my chef, the grumpy.

"Stop whining and stuff it already! I tasted it, you won't die don't worry, the little extra salt will only help with the loss that is going to come during your training.." said grumpy, a very futile attempt at saving his pride in cooking abilities!

"A LITTLE!  I practically can't feel my tongue anymore! I didn't even know we owned so much salt! Did you fell asleep in the process of adding it to the pan or something?!"

"Your fault! You shouldn't have woken me up so early! Couldn't you stay hungry for an hour or two!!" Grumpy, in his best attempt to dump it all on me!

Imma get you later old man! Right now I'm starving too much to fight!

"Ugh I think I can fix it!" Saying this much I went to the kitchen where my slightly overcooked veges still are, welcoming me like an old friend..

It was actually the worst meal i had since I started living this fiasco of a mission.. my culinary expertise combined with the carbon of burnt veges.. I should have bathed first *sigh*

"As you suck so bad at hand to hand combat, I've talked to hokage sama for your special training apart from the usual one. You'll -"

"Wait, what?!! First off, I do NOT and I qoute here 'suck' at it and what do you mean special training?! I don't even have enough hours left in a day to squeeze this special training of yours.. besides when did you talk to him?! I don't remmeber us going there!!" I cut through his wise words.

"Right so you'll have it a day in a week and on-"

"Are you even listening to me over here!! I DO NOT HAVE TIME LEFT TO SPA- whooaaa" I screamed the last part close to his ear before he shoved me effortlessly a foot from where I was standing.

"You would get it if you just listen to me you brainless broccoli! You will be training just for taijutsu on that one day. Its been almost 10 months and you've got a hold on your chakra control pretty well according to hokage sama. Also its getting busier by the day as your time to leave is getting near, so he agreed to my suggestion." He finally explained, now this makes sense, was it so hard in the first place..

"Wait, its been almost 10 months!! But I thought it I still have 6 months left!" I'm really loosing the track of time here..

"Yeah well I never expected anything intelligent from you anyway. " replied grumpy with a wink. "Oh and by the way," now he's scratching the back of his head "thanks for going through all the trouble for taking me to visit my friend's.." I am thoroughly shocked at this expression of emotions from his side..

"Yeah well I needed to see something else than your face in this village, don't thank me. " I returned the wink.

"I don't believe you have seen it." He replied thoughtfully.

"I've seen more than I wish I had." Seeing his confused 'eyes' I explained "public bath, me running away, ring a bell??" I wish I could see his face then, the look he gave was worth living for xD his eye bulged to a point where I think it could have left its orbit.. "yeah grumpy, these eyes have seen stuff you can't even imagine" I played with his head a little, exagerating the pain in my experience.

"It's almost time for your training, get this filth off of you." And grumpy has recovered, sarcastic as ever..

"Hehehe" I replied and went for my sterilization.. both mental physical...

But why is old grampy busy for me leaving?! I mean I can take care of myself now you know..  that is a genuine question.. I'll be gone that's all I guess..

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