Chapter 10

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My blessful week passed in complete peace. Kid can keep promises after all.. he has begun to look more strong too with every passing day. That day at the mountain really did something to him, and to some an extent perhaps me too. I still can't get my mind off of his other promise. Our relationship has somehow gone less bitter with a marginal decrease in abusive addressings.. but then maybe thats because of his promise to not bug me, or maybe because he spent so much time in his room lately, reading his trashy stash..

Anyway, today the week ends and I'm not really sure about anything now...

We reached the hokage mansion and as expected, he's his self again... so I'm back to mine, bored and ignoring..

"Today kakashi, I would like you to accompany us to the training grounds.. since the day young Yuuma spent with you, he's improved exponentially. Now I would like you to witness the great affect you pose on this young soul. Don't worry its a very positive one. " he said with a slight smile

"As you de-" and I was interrupted..

"And again, where the hell was I consented with this decision huh gramps?! " said the little snuck head tapping his foot " gramps I'm not sure I want grumpy gramps near my training grounds, please relief me and surely him of this torture" I'm not sure why does he hasitates like this but if lord hokage wants me there its the last thing that I'll just be a proud grampa, God that nitwit made me call myself grampa.

"Its all right Yuuma, I respect your concerns and let me assure you, you have not to worry about any bit" and why do we always amuse lord third is yet another mystery... " right, this way please."

I sulked my way through the door. The training grounds were massive, with different suitable styles of practice.. we, however, entered one with huge puddles, more like tiny lakes.. that stunk really bad. "Today is one of the hardest practice sessions you will encounter Yuuma. Now listen closely, you are to evaporate these dense puddles with your mere chakra. Its impossible to do it all today only so it might take some days to get to completion . Now you may begin" lord hokage commanded, directing towards almost lake sized some 5 "puddles"

"You just see old man how I evaporate these in just one go" I think he broke his own record of stupid as he shouted that out.

Soon enough he started glowing red, his chakra is like nothing I've ever felt before, its extremely dense and so much powerful that the hair at the back of my neck stuck to the end. He begun floating by its power and soon enough was well over the first one. I never could have imagined he was this powerful, he expanded both of his hands to their limits, wait there is no limit! His chakra just keep forwarding untill whole of the lake-ish-puddle's surface glowed red! I can't believe my eyes!

"You are not a mere spectator as you very well know yourself kakashi, you see, his basic chakra nature is wind style. However, the dominant soyu genes inside of him poses his special chakra instead, he can use both though at his desire. Now this chakra, though comes out at his desire, it doesn't stops and it kind of start working on its own, he's much too young to control it all at once, this time he might challenge his limit to control, at what time will you come in handy. You are to activate his basic wind style with your lightening style making the wind style to take over and in turn making it difficult for soyu chakra to take over, for it could kill young Yuuma. " I was invited for a reason, that much I knew, but to save his life, I never knew that. I must do whatever it takes to help him succeed.

With his exceptional chakra control, he manages to evaporate 4.5 of those slimy reservoirs, third hokage tried to stop him at 3rd but he looked far too determined to let go, now though he's loosing altitude a bit and I can see the signs of fatigue in his motions. I prepared myself for action, and as if just on cue his red chakra started comming out in huge bursts! He was now flying even higher. I transformed my chidori into a fierce hound that galloped skyward. My shadow clone helped me double up my jumping capacity and now I was almost at his level, my hound attacked him in full power only to bounce back! What the hell! Its worse than I thought! I started loosing altitude but I jumped again with the aid of another shadow clone now over him, I put every ounce of my strength in that attack and succeeded! Suddenly a strong wind surrounded us both and Yuuma opened his eyes. He was now in control, I can easily see that, gently he put me down to the ground but while his descent he fell into the puddle.. I rushed to his side but he was already making his way through that slime. "What the hell grumpy, I was almost conplete with my 5th puddle! Why did you interrupted me! " that ungrateful little slime bag, literally!

"You exceeded my expectations by miles Yuuma, there's no need to be frustrated. Today's practice was indeed exceptional. See what I'm talking about you being Yuuma's encouragement kakashi!" Lord third with satisfied expressions. Yeah right, I should have left him to be fried in that bloody cursed chakra. And now I've exhausted my self too.

"You may take leave now, both of you. Have a warm bath and a good night sleep" and we showed ourselves out.

"I'm going to the bath" I simply stated.

"Bath, I'm gonna soak all night I can't wait to reach home. " he replied stinking the whole town.

"Who said I was talking about home?! We're going to a public bath! Saving you exhausted me pretty bad, I have to relax a bit, and I do that best at the public bath" I simply stated.. now you see puny lord, I'll make you suffer!!!

"WHAAAAAA" bingo! I hit the mark. We bickered throughout the way, he even tried to run several times, but alas *sigh* he doesn't know his way through the village... I had to keep him with me.. though, it all paid off as I heard his pained desperate voice.. xD

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