Chapter 16

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So I came up with an extremely clever strategy to take kakashi visit his friends' graves. Its so bad as it is that he has to stick with me 24/7, he doesn't have to give so much into it. But then he is a solitary animal.

To be honest, the fact that he never had any friends and the ones who actually made it there are dead, is really tormenting. And to add up, there was no mentioning of his family. So either they are dead or they abandoned him. Latter is the worst the possibility, a posibility nonetheless. Not only that, the village that he protects with his life, thinks of him as a murderer. I can't imagine him being a ruthless murderer. If he was one, I'd be dead already and he'd have been labelled as a rogue ninja. That's really not good. And for the fact that I thought I was alone. Atleast the people I fight for don't label me harmful. Atleast not now anyway, thanks to the Infiltrator. I've been there a few times myself but I've always had mother with me. She always had my back.

I feel immensely bad for grumpy now. And I'm so glad I decided to help him. It will be tough for both of us for sure but give some, get some.

To execute my all time most awesome plan, I have to know where this graveyard is. Also I have to make grumpy go with me without him suspecting. I still don't know how he will react to the fact that I'm meddling with his personal life without his permission.

First I have to get up tomorrow on time to make sure I reach my practice on time. I'll depend on grumpy for this. After the first day's delay he never trusted me for punctuality.
"Open this damn door!! You're late again! Get up this instance you lazy dense skulled excuse for salvation." Grumpy's shouts being my alarm.

I slept late, meticulously constructing a perfect plan. And the rest of the night it kept going through my head, hence I'm late. I won't blame myself. A working mind needs its rest.

I jumped out of the bed and landed into my clothes. The part where I freshened up, I really don't remember.

I ran towards the exit. Along the way my eyes skimmed through the clock. There's still a half an hour left. Consider that grumpy a dead man.

"Yo grumpy! What the hell man!! Its still a half an hour left for my time! I slept late last night!" I bombarded my lack of sleep frustration.

"Not my fault. You should have taken in a little less of your "airy air" last night." I can not believe him! He's getting back at me for last night! Oh you just wait grumpy. You'll rue the day you started this war. Its a war now. Muahahaha

"Touché grumpy." My simple reply. I need to focus right now.

Another shock for the lill ol' grumpy's fragile heart.

"You're in an acceptable mood today." He even sounds astounded.

"Yeah its all in the wind." I replied with a wink.

Grumpy looks like he'll die of shocks today.

"I'm not sure you're okay today." With this, he put a hand on my forehead "release" with saying this I was devastated on the inside. It doesn't feel right! What the hell did he do to me! "I just released the genjutsu. I think you were under it."

I can not stop gawking at him. "That does it grumpy! I wasn't under a freaking genjutsu you stale brain moody grumpy man! You have a death wish." And I launched at him! "I'm gonna kill you now."

And he's actually laughing while dodging every single one of my attacks. "You can't reach me. Your head is way too clumsy for anything relevant." And he chuckled some more

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrr!! I'm gonna annihilate you old man." I was at the limit of my rage. I perfectly aimed a sofa at him, which went straight to the kitchen counter.

"First try catching me." And he kept mocking.

"I'm gonna make you pay so bad you ancient specimen!!" Literally at the top of my lungs. While the plate that I threw nearly missed his back. Man he's good at dodging.

"Totally, I'm sure you will." With that mock he dodged another one of my lethal attacks, namely a table this time.

I'm aiming for his head now. With my fists ofcourse. I won't use any ninjutsu against him. I'll definitely kill him.

He kept anticipating my moves, even at the inhuman speed that I'm going at him. Left, up, down, a little more left, right, right. I couldn't land a single blow at his mocking grey head. Its so frustrating!!

And then, he got me. Seemingly effortlessly he got my arm, put me in a lock so that I couldn't move. One of my arm at an awkward angle above my head and the other behind my back. His sneering evil voice in my ear "Now almighty lord, if you're done wasting both of our times, mind if we go for your training? Or are you planning on being late and making me look bad again."

My personal agenda: make grumpy pay.

"I hate you so much!" I couldn't keep the honesty from my voice. He had really pissed me off.

"You won't be the first one." Neither could he. And all of a sudden the rage inside of me vanished and I remembered my actual agenda.

He let me go and with a mandatory furious glance I headed towards the door.

"You forgot your coat." Kakashi reminded me. He still sounds pleasant.

"Thankyou." This would be the most unthankful thanks ever.

We left our arena and locked it behind. Walking straight towards the hokage's office.

On our way, as it had rained a few days back, was a stale dirty puddle. I purposefully stayed a step or two behind to make sure I have the perfect angle. When we got near, with all that pent up resolution of annihilating kakashi, I pushed him into that filthy puddle. I can be real evil sometimes.

"Oh grumpy! Can't you walk straight?! Oh its probably the age factor. I would love to help but that thing is probably infested." I gave him a wink, though he can no longer see it. But all the people around us were looking at us as though its the end of the world they are witnessing .

"Hey! Its not a circus you know! Find some other amusement in your lives." I called out and the crowd scattered.

Grumpy came out of that puddle with his hair no longer the perfect white. Its brown now. And a filthy shade at it. I couldn't stop myself and a giggle escaped my throat followed by a full fledged laughter. I can not stop laughing. I bent in half over all that laughing.

As if on cue, Kakashi came to my side acting all converned, "hey are you alright?! Seems like you're dying of hypoxia." And in that extreme "concern" And purposefully put a load of that filthy mud all over my coat.

"Ewww get away from me!!" But it was too late. I was already covered.

"What?! I was just concerned!!" Mocking hurt, and let me tell you, it doesn't suit his face, well what ever part of it is visible.

"Concern my-"

"Keep your bickering for later, we're getting late for your training." Now in a serious tone.

"I'm gonna get you grumpy." My final futile attempt at threatening his guts.

"Deja vu." His bored reply. And we headed straight towards the assigned destination, no puddles this time.

Endurance: my ninja wayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang