Chapter 21

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Yeah I can't believe it either its almost time for her to go, Yuuma I mean. At first when I got the mission, I could've done anything to end this mission as soon as possible, my fantasies included the failure causing tactics, but now however, I feel like the time really did fly. She really has became more close to a family, my konoha family than a mere mission.

Although, since her training with Guy started, it's becoming more and more difficult for me to contain her curiosity over what happened between me and Guy, our bets and our scale of failures. I'm in lead, yeah but still, as it already is, I don't think I cam handle her know what kind of bets we place, they're a little more distant from my usual mature aura, not that it has affect on her. *sigh*

"What the hell are you doing with my books there you ancient article?!" Her voice came ringing as she spotted me reading her baught novel, the Make Out one to be exact. Can't blame me, curiosity kills the cat, though apart from all the explicit physical descriptions it also has an amazingly vivid emotional references, I lack in the latter department perticularly. The way someone can actually feel that deeply for anyone, that's the thing I  need to learn and that's what interests me...

"Well, you can't blame me, you leave it anywhere in the house, you peahead maniac!" My humble reply..

"Give it back! " She said that snatching the book away from me, "oh no!! You shuffled my mark! I was getting to the good part there! " she has no idea how good that part was!

"Relax, it's here. By the way, you read too slow! I mean I started it yesterday and its not a really long book you know, I'm about to complete it! You've not even read enough and its almost been a week that you started! I can really spoil the plot for you!" It would be so cruel to do that! I mean that's the worse anyone could do to me, honestly!

"You wouldn't! First reading my book now this! Anyway, I  don't really care about the plot, its the way its written that matters and I've a pretty strong recommendation for that!" And I  see her tongue challenging me to spoil it for her!

"I'll let you go this once." I replied, this time knowing the book will take my revenge for me..

"I'll complete it in no time grumpy! You just see!" And her futile challenge didn't even make its way to my head properly..

It's early evening and I have to prepare dinner anyway, tomorrow *sigh* it's the one with Guy, again. She's had a few sessions and she really does learn fast! Her skills have improved markedly from when she started!

"Uuh, say Kakashi? Are you done cooking?" Yuuma's trembling voice made its way through...

"Yes almost, I'm just setting up the table." I replied. Wonder what's the issue...

"The stove is still flaming isn't it?" another question in same unsettling tone.

"Yes but what's the issue?" I said making my way to the source of the fear.

I had only merely escaped the kitchen boundary that I  felt something buzz right by me towards the kitchen. By the time I turn, I see a flaming book over the stove! Exasperated, my next words weren't a sarcasm..

"What the hell!! You peabrain, we can't eat books!!" That's all i could manage.

"I know and I'm burning it, not cooking it! We will never talk about it, ever!" Was all her explanation..

"What new horrible tradition are you initiating! We don't burn books here and which one is-" my words failed me when I  saw the words Make Out series being eaten up by the flame! I rushed towards it, I really don't want to buy another and i can't leave it like this, I'm almost at the end! This woman has gone too far now! But as if this wasn't enough, now she's blocking my way! What is her issue! Let me live woman!

"I'm not burning you, you idiot! This book will not make appearance in this house! Damn who writes crap like this!" Her reply to my seemingly talking my head out.

"I was almost at the end! MOVE!!!" In a desperate attempt to jump, though I  hit the ceiling but I managed to escape her and grabbed the book. It was smoking allover, amber edges turning dark, like my hopes right now!

"Why would you do that!! You should have given it to me if you didn't like it!" My hopelessness audible in my vioce.

"Don't look so sad grumpy! It wasn't good for mind! It had bad things in it!" She truely looked sorry for me, do I  look that crestfallen!

"Well what are you?!  7?  Of course there aren't rainbows and bunnys in it! What do you expect from an adult novel!" Now its getting unbelievable..


"I did tell you that! You were too busy pulling my arm off in your excitement! You didn't listen to me!" Is she delusional!

"Well I don't remember! Besides, I baught it. OH MY GOD! I BAUGHT IT! IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CROWD!" She's realising stuff just now. As if on cue, she starts pulling my collar like I made her buy it! "Why didn't you stop me!!"

"I did! What is your problem! First you ruin the book I was about to complete, now you're shoving me for not doing something I did! Get it together woman!" I tried.

She let me go but looked pretty dumbfounded...

"Hey dinner's ready, eat it!" I told her breaking her reverie.

We ate in silence and after she was done with her dishes, I took the liberty to ask what's so shocking for her.

"Imgonnakillhim." I heard a mumble..

"What?!" She can't kill Jiraya sama, he's one of the legendary sannin.

"I'm gonna kill that blasted hound! I'm making him pay, you just wait!" Is she out of her mind!
"You can't just kill anyone you like you bonehead! Jiraya-sama is no ordinary ninja!" I tried shoving some sense into that thick skull of her's.

"Jiraya what now?!" She sounds confused..

"The author of this series, you can't kill him! He's a strong ninja!"

"Who said anything about killing the author?!  I'm killing the one who played this filthy prank, the one who recommended this book! I'm killing my brother!" Is she out of her dumb mind!

"You'll kill your brother over a recommendation prank?! And besides, isn't he lost or something?!" I tried calming her down..

"Oh he will be found and I will avenge my dignity! You're dead Kai! You are so de-" she stopped mid sentence and looked tense all of a sudden..

"Yeah yeah, kill him when you're done with this mission... right now, get your mind out of all your dirty fantasies! Its taijutsu training tomorrow! Sleep well or I'll have to carry you again!" I tried changing the topic, maybe the memory of her lost brother is still painful to her... as if on cue, she turns towards me, murder written all over her face.

"Get your mind out of the gutter you desperate granpa!" She said while charging at me. I caught her wrist, playing with her a bit. I pinned her down to the wall and leaned in..

"Well you know I'm not a grandpa and if I'm desperate, shouldn't you be worried, lady Yuuma?" I said in my most appealing voice...

As if I'd awakened a beast, she pushed me with such a force that it was a miracle I didn't fall over. "Worried of what exactly?! Huh?! WORRIED OF WHAT?!" its like this was another person standing in front of me, her bright chakra felt like it can take a life right now, she was deadly in that moment.

"Calm down! Its alright, I was just messing around! It's okay Yuuma! I apologize!" I tried calming her down.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" That's all she said before she stormed towards her room, shaking all over with rage. It seemed like it was all she could do to stop a bigger catastrophe. It was in that moment that I understood what it is to be an heir of Soyu chakra!

What caused this sudden outburst... there's so much more that none of us knows about her, yet she tries helping me, yet she's trying to save us all, training so hard...

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