Chapter 22

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Last night was a bit of a shocker to me! Yuuma almost blew a hole in the roof. The wall that got the direct hit is in shatters. I'm amazed how she didn't harm me in all this! But what caused this rage?! Maybe i did cross my limits this time.

Its almost time for her to get ready for her training, and she's not ready yet. She'll be late if she doesn't hurry up!

"Hey, are you ready? Its almost time and we should leave." I reminded her, knocking lightly on her door. I don't want to get it any worse than it already is.

I stood there for a few seconds but no answer came. Worry stricken, I had to check on her.

"I'm coming in if you don't reply in the next five seconds! Are you ready Yuuma?!!" I asked, slightly louder this time. Still no answer.

"Okay then, I'm coming in! " saying this stepped into her room. Forget being ready, she was fast asleep! Okay, fight aside, this will definitely get us late!

"Hey! Wake up! It's almost time
to go!" I said on the top of my voice.

"No mama! Please... dungojustyet" she mumbled in her sleep.

I stepped closer to her bed, leaned in and told her to wake up with a gentle nudge on her face. I'm not sure what's she dreaming about but after last night, I'd prefer there won't be another outbreak like last night.

I couldn't get her to open her eyes! What's happened! Was she poisoned while I wasn't around! I should've checked on her during the night! Damn it!

I veiled her in her signature overcoat and headed straight towards the hokage mansion! It's the code I have to follow if anything happens to her. I was still not registering it properly that something already had! She is profusely sweating and out cold, mumbling incomprehensible words!

At the hokage's office an immediate medical unit was gathered and she was taken care of! I'm still a bit out of composure. She wasn't awake and the medical staff said they don't get what's happened to her.
Morning slowly turned into noon and now the sky shows a dull tinge of blue in mixed with the shameful pink shade of dusk. I couldn't get my mind off the fact that I once again let my friend's life get in mortal peril! She's lying here out cold, unconscious and it's probably due to my incompetence!

As the night's sky gets illuminated with a faint half moon's light, a medic enters the room where Yuuma is being taken care of! He has an odd looking vial with a mustard coloured liquid medicine in his hand, now I'm not supposed to interfere in their job but I can't let anything else happen to Yuuma! So I stood defensive over her unconscious state!

"Step aside Kakashi, I need to give this medicine to her this very instant!" Why is he addressing me with my name!

"I can not let you jeopardize anything more than it already has been!" I cleared my stance over not letting him through.

" I'm not the one jeopardizing anything here, but if you don't step aside right now, her life and most of ours will be in danger! It's the medicine her mother gave us when she left to bring her here! It should specifically be given at the rise of the moon in the night! Now get away from her!" This explanation did not help me at all! I'm not moving an inch!

"Lehim" a feeble sound came from Yuuma!

"What's that?!" I asked, doubting I'm hearing things that aren't there.

"Let him" the words were forced and difficult to listen to, but they were surely from Yuuma! I stepped aside and let the medic give her the medicine.

She drank the whole vial, her face showed the signs of pain that came with the effort of trying to gulp down the medicine.

The medic gave me offended expressions and left, little my concerns, right now the only thing that matters is the well-being of Yuuma!

Her breathing eased up and she was sound asleep! I couldn't help but admire the sight of peace, that was her face, and how riled up I got her last night. I shouldn't treat her like that! This person infront of me is one of the rarity that looks at me like a human being, not a perfect killing machine. She's my friend!

I took her hand in mine and felt the soothing warmth that's emanating from her and which had me mesmerized! I couldn't move away from it! I thought her clan was feared for being deadly, is death this comforting! All I can feel is endless comfort, and that too just by holding her hand!

"I swear I'll puke if you go mushy over me grumpy!" I couldn't believe my ears as those words hit my eardrums! I never thought such relief existed that I felt just then! I couldn't stop smiling under my mask, but I can't just make her puke now can I?!

"I think I'll take that site over this one!" Honesty came in naturally, and even though I intended a mean reply I couldn't get the right words. My voice stayed gentle and comforting on its own...

She smiled and replied with honesty, "I'm fine grandpa, don't worry! This tends to happen when my powers go berserk, and that medicine was formulated by my brother specifically for events like these."

"Are you saying that you're like this because of your power surge last night?!" I inquired, fearing the reason she was like this was me, I mortally harmed my friend, again!

"Told you I was awesome grumpy! And for your question, yes and no!" She replied vague as ever. She still sounds so feeble!

"Please yuuma, tell me! Is it because of me that you're like this?" I pleaded.

She sighed and paused for a long time, it's like she's having a battle inside of her whether to answer my question or not, and how to. Her eyes displayed the desperation she's feeling, the pain, the yearning! Its a tornado of emotions in there!

"Don't answer it, you need rest, get some sleep thick head!" I tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

"You know what grumpy, I think I do! All my life has been-" sigh "a journey of distrust and fear! Of hiding, of not facing the reality, of never letting people in, of never having a real connection outside my family, and well in my family too, it was mostly just fear and secrets, from eachother, from ourselves... I'm tired Kakashi, I'm tired of all the secrecy, I'm tired of thinking that everyone else is here to hunt me down when fear should be the last thing I should feel! I mean damn man! I have this freaking power in my blood!" She opened up completely.

"Well, I can't argue with a thickhead like you, now can I!" I eased her up with a smile.

"I want to trust you Kakashi, not as your mission, as your friend, can I? " her question left me speechless. All this while the thought of her being my mission didn't even cross my mind! I completely forgot why I got to be around her in the first place!

Her question was clear as crystal though, she just asked me to tell her whether I can respect her like a human being, like a real person rather than a weapon, if I can recognize her as a person and not think of gain or loss when it comes to her. That whether I can take her as she is, as a living breathing being. Suddenly I have this immense hate for this system, for this world! The way it turns us against our own, the way we treat eachother for petty gains and betray one another without even thinking about it! How loyalty has become a notion of fiction and how difficult it is to have it around you!

"Yes yuuma!" Honesty seeping through my every word.

"Okay then, first off, my freaking name is not Yuuma!"

That was unexpected!

Sorry for the late update friends! I know I'm a sucky updater but I tend to not be one anymore!
Thanks alot for sticking through it all the while! You guys are awesome! ^-^

Endurance: my ninja wayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora