Chapter 19

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By next day, I'm told what my new schedule would be with all that taijutsu training. It seems all of a sudden, everything is going full speed ahead. I get it the main purpose was to come here and to train for the infiltrator, but now I also want to help more. I want to help my friend here. And I'm not sure I'll be getting a chance to make his emotion devoid self back to human again. Though now I know what made him this way, he got his feelings murdered too many times to revive them again, which only makes it all more difficult.

So the one day I will have on my hand, I will be training with some dude named Guy, Might Guy. I gotta tell you, it will not be my first choice in naming a person, I mean, he's already a guy by birth, why emphasize on the obvious. But, name aside, I'm glad I'll be meeting someone with full face exposure in this place, or atleast I hope to.

Today however, its my usual training. So I did my routine and followed grumpy towards my destination.

Same old same old...

We reached in time, but as soon as I was able to enter, kakashi was dragged to a side, well not exactly dragged, no one can drag him, I however plan on doing that one day, one of my yearly resolutions.

He returned just to tell me that the new routine that he's so politely shoved into my face this morning will be commencing from about right now. Well atleast something out of the original.

So I'm meeting this new "Guy" today only, yay..

"So how's the new 'guy'? " I tried being funny, who am I kidding, I mean seriously, he's practically a zombie proginater! He carries the gene that would one day cause the zombie apocalypse!

"You'll see." His one eyed, bored reply! Don't tell me I'm up for meeting another one of the leaf's undead!

As we arrived to the training grounds, there was already present a person, dressed in green from top to bottom, with a hairstyle looking like he placed a bowl over his head and cut those jut black fringes along its rim! What style! His eyes were margined with the bushiest eyebrows I've ever seen, looked about the same age as Kakashi though.. He was hard at training. By the buckets of sweats he's emanating, it seems he's been training here for a while now. As we arrived near him, he stoped from his training revere and looked up with the brightest welcoming smile ever. "Hiya kakashi!" Patting so hard on his back that he actually bent down a little. "This must be lord yuuma!" Then he himself bowed down before me "hidden leaf's green beast, Might Guy, at your service." Just when I thought this day couldn't get any unusual, this introduction happened.

I turned to kakashi to confirm my situation here "so since I'm training with this fine gentleman, I assume its alright to drop the personality bomb on him, right?" Should I tell him that I'm a girl or not.. but as I looked at my trainer, I think he was crying. Wait, did i say something wrong?!! 0.0

"You called me a fine gentleman, I'm honored! I hereby give you my word that you will not be disappointed!" He solemnly claimed his sincerity to me! I already like this person!!

"I suppose it's alright!" Grumpy's short uninterested reply.

"So Mr. Guy, first off, don't call me 'lord' yuuma, its just yuuma. And secondly, you're my teacher here, so I'm the one who'll have to impress you! I hope I'm not a slow-learner." If only, this made him cry even harder.

"Let me kill your hopes! You're a slow learner and a thick head." Kakashi definitely doesn't love his life making comments like these when I already have a crying adult to handle with at my hands!

"I never asked for you to open your ancient involuntary mouth you unhinged old hag!!"

"Technically you asked no one to open their mouths, you don't ask people to open their mouths for no reason in general, that's not some special thing that you did. Besides, I'm giving my comrad some heads up  for what he's jumping into!" Okay so now he's definitely paying! Good thing the Guy guy has stopped crying and now looks like he's being tortured with our aimless banter.
"Trust me, if he's survived your company for so long, I think i need to learn more than taijutsu from him." I responded

"The blossom of the youth is in its full bloom! Lets start training this instant!" I don't even have words to decribe my state of understanding of this statement. But it effectively put both me and kakashi at a temporary halt.

Hearing this I let off my disguise and aftrr what felt like a lifetime, I see some genuin good quality shock. He wasn't expecting a gender reversal, that much I can definitely say.

"Lord- I mean Lady yuuma! You are-"

"Yup I'm not a typical guy, Guy." I replied, pun intended.

"No matter, we must train as hard as we can and you will achieve new hights with the power of your youthful spirit." Yeah, why is he so persistent upon reminding me my age..

"Exactly, though you can loosen up a bit buddy, it's not like we will face a war the day after tomorrow." He needs to take life a bit less seriously.

"Its more important that when the adversary arrives, we must always be prepared! We shall train now!!" Apparently my first lesson of the day.

"Suuure" that's all I could come up with...

We trained for what feels like more hours than I have ever trained for! This 'Guy' is ruthless when it comes to training! He doesn't stop for even pee brakes! What does he eats man!!

"Now if you lady yuuma-" yeah he doesn't drop the honorifics as well, no matter how hard I try. "- its time to build up your core strength, 200 pushups in 15 mins."

"Look, dude, I never ever step back from a challenge. I may complain like hell, but if its humanly possible, and if the normal biological functions of my body can make it, I try and give my best, but come on!! I can't move an inch after the beats i had, mostly from you and the others from these very rude trees you guys have here! I'm sorry man, I can't do it. Not right now anyway. I need to take 5, no wait, make it 15!" I finally submitted.

"But the youth in you will not bloom to its fullest if you don't push yourself to the limits! You can do it." He's still trying to convince me to practice! I can't believe this guy!

"I won't have a life, let alone my freaking youth if I stand for another second! My limit is not same as yours buddy! Trust me I know myself better than you do. Just a few minutes please." Without waiting for his reply, I slumped against the tree I've been trying to kick the life out of but instead getting my foot injured every time.

Seeing me sitting there, he has no choice but to give up his high expectations over my youth. I hate to see such a nice optimist getting down like that. Everything comes at a price I guess. Even optimism.

"C'mon, tell me about yourself Guy. Or anything that wouldn't kill me for now." I tried having a normal conversation in what seems like over 9 months.

"Oh please don't. Yeah no heart to heart infront of me you two! I'm not here by choice if you're wondering." I had almost forgotten grumpy was still there before he whined this out loud.

"Yeah trust me, no one's enjoying your company anyway. Why the hell are you trying to stop letting him talk, relax I won't ask anything confidential." I tried to calm his concerns.

"I'm not talking about confidential information. Just don't get too comfy here. You're here to train remember you slacker." Oh no he didn't. I'm so going to get the stuff out of Guy now.

"You just made it worse grumpy." I'm so gonna make him pay... buahahahahah

Endurance: my ninja wayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora