Chapter 5

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On reaching the mansion, I hoped that the hokage would see the reason and relief me of this mission. I seriously can't stand this person a day, let alone a year!

"Dude! Where are you taking me?!! I thought we were going to the place prepared for my rest. Anyway why am I still walking! Aren't I supposed to be the sav-" I had to cover that big mouth of his before he blurt out the classified information!

"Listen to me now brat, the only reason you're still speaking is because you are my mission, I sadly have to protect you and make you feel home. The purpose of your arrival is hidden from anyone and everyone for the sake of safety of this mission. You apparently are the key to our salvation, though I seriously doubt you even have any ability, let alone an exceptional one! Now until we reach our destination shut that extra large talking hole you call your mouth or I'll have to do it myself, and trust me you won't like that! " finally! I couldn't hold it in me any longer...

"So much for making this place my home.. " yuuma mumbled

"What's that again? " i inquired.

"N-Nothing" he stuttered

"Good" I smiled inwardly, good job to you too kakashi!

So we made our way to the mansion in the blessed silence, this job isn't that hard after all, maybe I can do it, I might even pass with flying colors if its this easy to contain that thick head of his. Now I'll just have to drop him off at his residence and from there he will be guarded by the anbu most probably. I'll just have to stick to his side when he's not training and I'm pretty sure that won't be often, he does have to train extra hard after all!

"I'm sorry my lord can you please say that again? " I asked in confusion as I stood infront of lord third.

"I simply ask kakashi, how many rooms are there at your living quarter? " but what need does he has to inquire about the number of my bedrooms!

"Just one bedroom my lord, and the kitchen. " I gave him the required details.

"Good lord kakashi, surely you're paid well, anyway, I had that suspicion so I have arranged for a house for you as its a requirement of your mission" I seriously don't like where this is heading.. "you are to shift there with your belongings, it would be easier for you to monitor lord Yuuma's wellbeing at a narrow range. You both can decide the way you want to set the house as its going to be yours for a year now. " I just hope I wake up in my comfy bed one more time, sweating and hyperventilating...

"Now you may take your leave and good luck to you both. " lord third said with a smile

"Hoooldd it there gramps! What in the world do you mean by this!?! There's no way in hell I'm crashing in with this grumpy old man here! He's way too creepy for my taste! I mean who hides his face and an eye! How in the world does he even walk straight is a mystery to me! I'm not bunking in with him and you know my reasons gramps! Plz send some nice lady instead, c'mon now haven't I been nice enough to safe this world to atleast deserve this!?!! " for the first time I'm not sure whether to be thankful or murderous towards this irksome brat! I mean I'm in an impossible position to argue, to a ninja his mission is absolute, but this little shreaky thick-head here might be able to relieve both of us the agony of each other's company.

"I'm really sorry lord Yuuma, but along with the responsibility to hold your pleasurable company as a guest, we are in desperate times at the moment because of the Infiltrator. I wish I could fulfill your desired specifics but I simply can't. " he said with an apologetic expression, though I have a feeling he's having the time of his life.

"But gramps am I not supposed to be like super important to the five great nations or something?!! C'mon surely all of you could do something united can't you?!! " Yuuma persisted

"I'm afraid at the moment I only have my apologies on the matter. However its the matter of the capabilities of the five great nations now, give me some time and I can try my luck. " he said with visible amusement.

"Only because you say so gramps, I've developed a liking for you. " said a pouty yuuma, and no I still can't see his expressions, its the way he speaks.

"I am truely honoured! " he said truthfully.

We were guided to our destined dwelling and with an extremely heavy heart I followed. I don't want to leave me precious home where I get to freak out every night in my peaceful isolation! Yet I finding myself packing my stuff which to my amazement isn't that much, just a single bag for clothes and another for weapons. I also took the picture we took when our team was formed, Minato sensei, Rin, Obito and me. We headed towards the house.

It was way bigger than I imagined, I mean, there only two of us right, there's no need for 5 bedrooms, two living rooms and a huge backyard! Why is lord hokage wasting so much on this haughty little big mouth?! Oh right he's a lord and our salvation. God this idea is still impossible to sink in.

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