Chapter 8

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For the next whole month, I made sure to wake him up well under the threshold time limit and keep an eye that he doesn't sleep. His behaviour bounced back to its trashy kind and he to his irritating one. He though resumed calling me an elderly and this time I didn't even bother to correct him, I don't really care what he calls me.. one month down, 11 to go..

We walked towards the usual training place, and no, not in my blessed silence... he's cursingly began to get comfortable to my lack, more likely absence of any sort of interest to anything that he says. Even if, by mistake I let anything deeper than my external ears, its nothing but pure nonsense. His interests are more feminine then most females, he likes ferris wheels and I seriously don't know what he was talking about when this information fell onto my ears.

Anyway our walks are no longer peaceful and quiet, they stopped sounding sane even. But this is not the worst part, he likes interracting with people! He greets them in street and to my horror, they return his politeness.. some have even began to look at me with friendly glares, let me atleast keep the glare part.. in short, he's completely gone opposite to my personality, now I've stopped caring though, just a year of this agony and it'll be all back to normal...

"Today, Kakashi, I'm afraid I won't be able to assist dear Yuuma in training. You see, there is an important matter at hand. I most woefully have to let today's training pass on my part. However this gives you a good chance to make best of the time. I believe young Yuuma hasn't really seen the village or the surroundings in real. Today could be that day. Help him explore Kakashi, you both already know each other too well to know what will be the best places. Good day. " why does it always has to happen!! I mean, give me a break! Spend a whole day with this brat! Nature really hates me I guess..

"Yes my lord. " my hopeless reply.

"Whhooooaaa, wait a second, why does everyone always forgets to include me over the decisions made for me!! No gramps, nope nope nopity nope. I'm not wasting my full day with this tired of life grumpy old fella" you go there snuck head! Make him change his mind! "He doesn't even have any interest in life, its torture enough to endure him for the hours he's assigned to me! Nope sirry no way! "

"What do you desire then Yuuma? " lord hokage replied with a chuckle, I fail to see how everyone treats my misery so chalantly! Talk about being heartless...

"I want to explore this place, see markets, parks, actual real life around here. I want to feel the touch of this village, not a dead zombie stare all day" he replied intelligently with an eye roll in the end.

"Okay then, you are to see what ever you desire child" came out with an inpressed smile. "Kakashi, let our guest know our hospitality. Do not disappoint him" with a polite smile.

"Yes lord third" I'm completely helpless in this situation, and perhaps desperate.

We took our leave, that little annoying show off looked as if he's already won against the infiltrator! That little old evil infested Satan's minion! I wish I could help him feel the touch of me as a part if the village! Oh if only I had the authority... I guess the satan inside of him is getting my own behaviour affected, no surprise there...

"Hiya oldy locks, so are you ready to be my guide?!" I replied with the deadliest glare I could muster "whoa there easy old pal, no worries I won't be tiring your wittle old bones there, uh huh, like I said, I help old people. "

"You're just a big liar in saying that too! If you think I'm that old and you think that marching with you in public will be excruciating for me, then why do you still want to "touch the feel of the village" still?!! " I replied letting the resentment out.

"Huh grumpy as always. I bet you had a rough adulthood old man, I mean you do cover your face, sorry that was mean... but anyways you'd know if you had anything else in life than grump that to actually know anyone or anything, to get its feel, you don't necessarily need to exhaust yourself. Sometimes a polite smile, a knowinh nod, a simple exchange of words is enough to change your whole existance. Sometimes it takes longer, knowing a person in detail. While sadly, sometimes it never happenes. " I was about to attack this skinny little imposter again if he hadn't continued "and well for you ancient fellow, I guess its the third type! You never let anyone pass your huge barrier of insecurity. Let the surroundings touch you sometime, I bet you will feel better" I bet he's smiling under that load for leaving my all awestruck! I never knew this little brat could actually talk human...

We walked for a while, and then "okay then grumpy gramps, take me to the market place, God knows I need to replenish my reading supplies, a person has only so much entertainment while living with a zombie you know!" This explains his smart mouth, he reads!

We walked towards the market place in silence to my relief...

To my readers, yeah this is my first message, uhh.. thing is its getting a little tiresome to post pictures along with the chapters, so you see I won't be able to. Whenever there's a change in character I will for sure in sha Allah.

Hope you enjoy my words :)

Your remarks are much appreciated :)

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