Chapter 26

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So the feast that my brother, and no I'm not bluffing here, cooked for us was scrumptious!

Yes, I made my brother cook right after he returned. That's what he gets for leaving us like that. That, and much more.

We immediately went to the Ol' man's mansion, Kakashi carried Guy, even though Hato offered. Kakashi kept being skeptical. Lord Third didn't seem surprised by the development, said he sort of had a hint of the situation. He was almost as angry as my brother after finding out that I can loose my life if I keep practicing with my chakra. You see, I wasn't a natural Soyu inherent, I was kind of forced into it. And the power being too huge, works like a steroid, it provides huge power in a short amount of time with an equal amount of damage. Now, my brother can heal as soon as the damage is done, he was the natural one. However, I can't. If this keeps up, I could die in a decade max. That is if my brother leaves me alive for using it extensively for a year already. He isn't in terms with the fact that the uncertainty of my situation forced me to not be the one needing protection all the time.

He kept his worry under control during the dinner, but I'm pretty sure the lecture isn't over yet. I'll have a century of scolding ahead.
My training sessions have stopped as my brother volunteered instead of me, all the Kages have been informed and I'm pretty much free now. Annoyingly, Kakashi's mission ended as my brother will be the one living with me from now on and to make matters worse, he'll be assigned a new mission tomorrow or maybe a day after. I believe he asked for the job. Sneaky little old man! Trying to get away from my super power of annoying him!

The structure of the plan has changed almost entirely and now our approach has changed from a head on offence to the least amount of casualties and  try in taking the mutated kids with Soyu chakra into our custody.

The day has finally ended and I'm nowhere near sleepy. Kakashi returned to his own place and purposely kept it a secret from me, I need to find it, first thing tomorrow, how would I survive without annoying him!!

"Hiru, you need to rest you know! You've misused your power enough already!" My brother's lifelong rant. I had missed it dearly!

"I'm not sleepy yet and you have to compensate for the years you lost. So start talking from the begining." I demanded authoritatively.

"I know and I will do that, but you need to take extra care now." He went into the kitchen and brought a vial of some sort. "Here, drink it, you'll have a peaceful sleep. It's to relax your over-active head. " I took it and drank the whole thing in a single go.

I did feel my extremities getting all groggy and I really needed to sleep now. I can catch up to Hato in the morning.

              Kakashi's pov
So Hato has made sure that his sister is asleep before we begin the first phase of our mission.

Orochimaru is already in the vicinity of the village with those children according to the anbu report of yesterday. He crossed the borders with Hato. Hato had been our pawn for a while now. He gave us the details about 3 months ago and begged that we stopped training Yuuma-I mean, Hiruna. We couldn't however. Although this might seem to threaten her life, this training is essential for her to know her power. She has to live with it. And as found out by our medical squad, if she doesn't learn to control it, she might die before even she hits another decade. Her body needs to learn to accommodate that amount of power and chakra. She has accomplished that now. Her body is damaged for sure, specifically of the outbreak that I caused. I still haven't forgiven myself for that. Lord Hokage had been careful of the amount he let her use in his training sessions. The amount that went out that night was equal to 10 training sessions together. She has, however recovered faster than anticipated, much faster. Which means that her body is adjusting to the physical needs of her enormous power.

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