Chapter 15

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By the time I returned home, I was completely exhausted, kakashi being the gentleman he is, denied carrying my bags for me in a quite straightforward way.. what was i expecting!!

So anyway... *yaaawwwn* I'm hungry like a polar bear, yes a polar bear, trust me you won't wanna be anywhere near it when its hungry... I silently ate the food I was given and went to my lair to think about ways of coaxing the truth out of these puny leaf shinobi.. muahahahaha *cough cough* I think I just chocked on my own spit.. so much for my villainous side.

So I went straight to the hot bath.. I need to cool it off somewhat, or warm it up... I don't know, what ever a hot bath does to you.. its good though.

The warm slithering water over my extremities feels like a comforting cozy hideout from my recent agendas. I wish we could just never come out of this relaxing warm blanket of smooth cradle... I really miss my mother. Just thinking of her blurrs my vision with tears. I miss how we used to play in the lake when we were young, me and my brother and then my mother would come and try to stop us for we cpuld get ill but seeing us happy and up, she used to join in, well it was mostly because of me. She could not say no to me.. until, she did and I can never got over her death now.. it just tears my heart apart to think back on all those memories... and suddenly the water which was my salvation became my enemy, I need to get out of it, its like I can't breath. The moments of my mother's death, the look in her eyes, miraculously, it was satisfaction. And it suffocates me that it was. She didn't think of me before sacrificing herself like that. Before making me go through this hell hole of a life without anyone. She thought she was doing good for me. What good mother?! I really don't see the bright part of your plan. Now I have no one with me. Not a single soul.

She left me alone after she knew well that my brother is never returning to me and that she's the only one left who's lived through hot and cold with me. She knew what I will go through, having this power, all alone. Yet she was satisfied.. she was okay with all of this.

I miss you mother, believe me I really really do. But I'm not talking to you when I see you again.

My sobs were inconsolable, my tears unaccountable for.. no one will ever know what I have lived through and what I will go through ahead. No one except for one..

I head back to my bedroom, picked up my coat and made a beeline for the terrace. I need air.

But wait, there's this persistent bird on the balcony. And its not moving even when I very threateningly shake my coat infront of it so that it will go away. Go birdie go. But it won't budge, man I'm not even intimidating for a bird and they assume I will defeat the all time powerful, most scary villain of all the history... great..

Wait a second, there's something attached to the claw of it... ohhh so its a massage. What if its some secret stuff. Lemme go through it.

"What are you so excited about?" I have to protect it from grumpy with my very life. It never crossed my mind though that it could be his, or it most probably is, since he's the one with the mission.

"Uhhh the air, it so... air-ry" I have saved the very existence of man kind with my lie. God I stink at lying.

"Right. So if this airy air has stopped amusing you, mind if you get back in? You're not really disguising yourself right now." And he gives me a once over, shamelessly.

"Get your face away from me you pervy old man." And gave him scandalous looks. With extremely shocked expressions on his face, I left poor kakashi at the harsh hands of my very own airy air.

"You're the last person I would be pervy about you shit head." Okay so he gets the last word. I get the secret massage. I'm okay with it.

I locked the door behind to make sure I won't be disturbed in my research.

As I rolled open the note, it read it was from kurenai. Okay so she didn't ditch me and I didn't hack some super evil plan. So I'm sad and happy. I'm sappy.. yeah actually I'm not.

"Don't get any ideas that I believe you or something, the only thing that made me tell you all this is because all of the village already knows about it, you won't be someone unique in that matter, but you're right, you could be the one who changes it. So here's what I know about kakashi's past:
He was a solitary person from the very start, he never had any friends or anyone he really talks to. He was at the top of his class and everyone wanted to be close to him, everyone but obito. He always kept challenging him, and quite franky loosing almost every time.

Then he got sorted into team Minato, it was a four man squad, Minato sensei, Obito uchiha, Rin nohara and kakashi himself. He was better than both of them Obito and Rin. I've never been in a close circle of friends with him and the only ones who made it there are, well dead.

Obito gave his life to save kakashi in third shinobi war. After that he was really devastated but atleast he had Rin and Minato sensei, the latter became fourth hokage who, you must have already noticed, is also dead. He died saving the village, he was all that was left for kakashi after Rin and obito had died. However, I think it's Rin's death that shook him up the worst.

She was a great person, pleasant and helpful. But after the war was over, she got kidnapped by hidden mist ninjas. Kakashi went after to safe her but its rumoured that he killed her in the process. No one has ever asked him about it and he's been called 'friend killer' since then. He doesn't even bother to clear his name which makes it worse. I however, don't believe it to be true. You already would have probably noticed that he spend hours at their graves, obito's and Rin's.

Kakashi was a solitary arrogant person, but he always has been helpful and protective towards his comrades. I just don't think its fair that the village that he protects with his life holds the image of a murderer for him. He deserves better. Well anyone does.


Visit graves?!!! He's always with me! He never leaves and we certainly have never been to a graveyard before. Maybe that is what's making him go berserk. He doesn't even visit his firends' graves because of me!! I feel real shitty now. I should do something about it.

My first dedication goes to a very honest person in my life. Appreciate you so much buddy Itachi-warrior

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