Chapter 14

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I absolutely despise my alarm clock! After such a long time (one night and 2 days) I was finally sleeping in my comfy bed but ughhh this alarm clock...

I guess I don't really have a choice after all.. its still way too early and the sun hasn't risen up.. so I went to take a warm bath, also to finalize my plan of coaxing the Rin part of kakashi's life.. why did she make him go bonkers like that... I already have a pretty good idea about what I might do though..

So after the bath, I got dressed and went out.. I'm reaaally hungry...

Kakashi was already making breakfast by the time I arrived.

"So, I was thinking, I really need another trip to the market.. its been 6 months and I need new clothes, or basically clothes to wear.. I'm completely out. " I stated plainly.

"I'll take you today after your training. " as emotionless as ever...

"Yeah about that, maybe you have a habit of not realizing the obvious, but as you must already have known, I'm a girl. I mean I'm completely fine with it but... you know what that's alright take me.. "

His head darted towards me and for the first time, I saw him confused.. bull's eye.

"What are you getting at?! " honestly confused grumpy.

"Oh you know, two guys living together for some time, now buying women clothing.. I mean its totally cool with me, I don't have to live here forever, but maybe it doesn't bother you as well.. great, so.. "

"What the hell?! Why do you need to buy women's clothing?!" This guy is seriously not in touch with the world.

"Geez grumpy, I thought you were supposed to be a genius or something.. " I got closer to his face and in a slightly raised voice said" I. Am. A. Girlll. I. Need. To. Buy. Some. Clothes"

He pushed me roughly away "alright I get it, get away from my face.. I'll ask Kurenai to take you.." he got up and went to the sink, mumbling all the while "I can't wait for this mission to be over" that much I heard, the curses I chose to ignore..

You'll be thankful to me afterwards grumpy..

So my training went as usual... extremely tiring.. and then with kakashi stood a girl, she had dark frizzy hair, red eyes well thats the oddest eye colour I've ever seen, and she wore a top with a single sleeve with shorts, overall she was pretty.. I wonder how in the world did Kakashi made her take me.. I mean she looks like she can really kill, but the person dying won't even realise what's happening..

"This is kurenai. Kurenai, meet Yuuma. Well, lord Yuuma to be exact. Good luck." And just like that I was left in the hands of this intimidating yet mesmerizing lady.. but I doubt we're alone, I bet he'll be accompanying us from the shadows, after all I am his mission..

"Nice to meet you kurenai. You see I really need a wardrobe refill.." I started but was interrupted.

"Yes I know, lets get going, I don't have all day." How much of the day is left?! Its afternoon already?! These leaf guys need to learn how to greet..

"Right, lets go.. and thanks alot for coming." I need to get on her good side..

"Well you don't say no to Kakashi here"

"So I see, he's quite the lady's man here" my biggest mistake was to opt for joking.. I should just keep my hella big mouth close maybe, 'cause after that comment I got such a stare that left my blood in curdles.. I told you she was scary.. but seeing someone talk after so long was an exceptional experience in itself.. I couldn't stop staring at her lips creepily, though I had to or she'll vaporize me..

When we arrived at the store, i selected the wearables at random and went to change, I deliberately took kurenai with me, kakashi won't come there...

The moment I reached the stall, I reeled kurenai with me, "so listen, I'm not a big shopping fan or something, I needed to see someone other than kakashi from this village. I have some questions and I'd really really appreciate it if you answer them please.." she was completely freaked out at this but I didn't let her interrupt "no wait listen to me first, it's been 6 months that I've been living with him now, and it wont take a genius mind to know that he's had some really tough past. Please I honestly need to know that, I can see he doesn't talk to anyone around the village, its just me for the most part and that's not on his own free will as well.. I'll leave in less than 6 months, and then there'll be no one that would be helpful to him.. I can see all of you care for him but I know he won't let anyone in. I think something broke that part of him and I need to fix that before I leave.. so please tell me what happened.."

She kept looking at me for some time, skeptical, then asked "why do you care?"

"Because he's given me his whole year of life, he's going to protect me for a whole year.. but mostly because I don't like leaving my friends broken.. I can't help it, I need to help him, its just me.." I told her truthfully.

"What's taking you so long?! This is my shop! Get out of there if you're not interested in buying!" Geez even the shopkeeper needs a friend..

"I'm sorry, we're comming out.." I said on the impulse, forgetting my whole motto of coming here! Damn it!

We exited the stall and I bought my picks, I have no idea what have I chosen, they were all random..

"You need to get back now, the sun is setting, take rest." This time kurenai was a whole lot friendlier.. whoa!

"But you didn't give me the answer! Listen just please tell me okay, I won't get this chance again.." I was getting desperate now..

"What chance?!" The grumpy old voice, expression deprived...

"Don't worry, we ladies need to have each other's back" and on cue kurenai smiled, I still have no idea but she really did cover up for me, maybe she'll tell me..

Kakashi looked puzzled at this to which I remarked "yeah grumpy, you won't get it.. " which earned me a scowl, nice and fresh.. oh well I have to wait for her reply now...

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