Chapter 12

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It's been 3 hours that I started searching for that dimwit! What was he thinking, casting a genjutsu  like that and running away! It wore off minutes after he was out! But where did he dissapeare in such a short time! Its about to be twilight already!
Its getting ridiculous really..

"Summoning jutsu!" My ninja hounds poof out of the thin air. "I want you  all to track down this sent as soon as possible" I commanded them shoving Yuuma's handkerchief that fell down when he was batteling me to run away earlier. They vanished in an instant. A few minutes later I  heard pakkun barking. I started in his direction at once. In a few huge leaps I caught up to him.

"The trail of the scent is ending just a few miles ahead. " pakkun announces the  good news. Yes my ninja hounds talk.

A few more miles and he started slowing down, finally! Then he stopped completely. I searched for the source of scent, and there I  found it. But what I see is more troublesome. I can identify Yuuma's overcoat positively lying there on the ground but the  thick-head was no where to be found. There layed a girl instead. She doesn't look too good. Her well, they must've been shirt and trousers, were battered, twigs sticking out from her, her head having hair intangled with twigs and leaves, and a dusty face, probably from lying there. I shook her, she was unconscious. "Hey, wake up! " I tried to be as gentle as I  could be, she looked like she could break.. "can you please tell me where did you get this overcoat?! " and as if I'd hit her with my lightening blade, she opened her eyes and started backing away. She looked alarmed.

"Don't fret! I mean no harm! Just tell me where did you get this overcoat. " as polite as I could afford to be at that time. She started struggling really bad and broke free of my hold. So much for being gentle. Maybe she's nightblind or something because she ran straight towards the cliff! A fall from there and my only chance of finding Yuuma's gone! I hurried towards her and caught her in time, this time I'm not trying to be a gentleman.
"Are you insane!! I said I'm not killing you! But trust me if you won't stop acting like this and start giving me answers, I'll have to interrogate you and you won't like it, belive me! " I said gravely.

"Yo Kakashi, if you loose her again I'm not gonna sniff her out through the woods at this hour. Its night already" pakkun warned.

"What do you mean again?! I just found her! " I asked confused. But now when I looked at her, the scared expressions were replaced by a deadly angry stare. Her brown eyes fixated at me as if trying to kill me by staring.

"Get the hell off of me you good for nothing old time zombie man!! How dare you threaten a seemingly helpless person! Try and do something and trust me it'll be the last thing you do!! " its the same voice, only much more louder and shreakier! I couldn't get any words out. What in the world did happen to Yuuma in the woods that changed his, the hell,  whole fricking gender!!

"STOP STARING AT ME! " to be honest, I have been gawking for some time now..

"I-I... you're  a-"

"Yeah I'm a girl! And let me inform you mister know it all, you've kinda failed part of your mission. No one was supposed to know who I am, not even my gender. Now you do, so congrats buddy, keep threatening people! " her sarcasm sounded like a spit.

"I've been looking for you for- do you even know what would've happened if you were taken!!" I regain my conscious, though still badly damaged.

"Serves you right! Dragging me in that filthy place-"

"You really don't have any regard for absolutey anyone but yourself in your pathetic life, do you!! All of us are trying so hard and all you do is be a little demanding girl! " I couldn't help it anymore, all of the bottled up rages now escaping me.

"For your own pathetic gain! Don't act like any of you would give a shit about me if it weren't for the infiltrator! None of you will even look at me twice if I hadn't the powers you now oh so dearly protect! I might act like a little girl, but trust me when I say this! I've seen grown up men do so much worse that I wish I stay a little girl forever! May I be regardless, selfish, demanding or anything that you could possibly ever call me! You guys are no different! Stop acting all noble! " out of all this, I couldn't argue on even one of her obligations. All that she said is true. All this is the shame of this rotten shinobi world.

"Its already late at night. We'll camp here tonight. We'll return at dawn." I said in a low calm voice. She's still huffing like an angry ox.

"Right. " she said and stomped to the tree I  found her under, climbed and sat over the branch nearest to the ground, maybe she has a fear of heights..

I was already tired and, now disappointed at so much, that I couldn't do much, I started a fire and sat at the bottom of that tree. Neither of us saying a word.

Its been a long day.

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