Chapter 23

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This is it! I'm not holding back any knowledge from Kakashi anymore! I mean I almost got us killed! If I hadn't had trained for these past few months, Kakashi and that house would've been history by the time anyone could get there! He should know what's he dealing with!

"Your name is what now?!!" Kakashi sounds so baffled!

"Not Yuuma." I replied chuckling. His bewildered expression made it extremely difficult for me to continue my details with a straight face, even though those expression only constitute of a single eye.

He soon recovered though and asked, clearing his throat " Right, and you are a feminist?"

"No! I mean, yes! I mean, c'mon, that's not the point here! Dude I'm still sick, so stop it with your stupid questions!" I clearified in a foggy tone. I've been really drowsy!

"Yeah yeah yeah, continue." He said, urgently.

I sat up as lying down and talking was really tiring...

"Hey I thought you weren't feeling well!" Exclaimed Mr. Grumpy McGrumps.

Giving him a bored look, I carried on with my revelations.

"So, starting from the begining.. umm, yeah! When i was about twelve- oh wait no! You see, I, I mean we lived in... ummm... no wait, that has nothing to do with-" I started mumbling senselessly.. it wasn't particularly a story I have ever told, even to myself so it was kind of difficult to put it all together and make complete coherent sentences... I mostly have been avoiding remembering the details myself for the past few years... in all that awkwardness, I nervously peaked over at grumpy, he must be hell impatient, but when I met his eye, all I saw was assurance and patience. Like he understood it's not easy for me to put together a sensible account.

"Sorry..." I said sheepishly. But before he could say anything I continued. "Okay, now seriously, umm it's about 6 years ago that I unfortunately got my powers. Th-the events a-are not perticularly-" I let out a nervous chuckle to calm my stuttering"- you know, cheerful." Sigh " So the thing about this Soyu power is infact not something to be really proud of. People don't start worshiping you for being the mighty saviour, but it's like how you guys treat jinchurikis here. People hate us, try to kill us and expect us to be the saviour at the same time." Chuckle

"It was actually my two years elder brother who naturally had the activated Soyu genes. He was a genius at almost everything he did, strong, charming, kindhearted, and most of all my only friend in this entire world. As you already know how freakishly we try to keep hidden, my brother was the total opposite. He used to greet the neighbours, what little unfriendly ones we had, help the elderly- yeah, we avoid helping people even, if it meant more contact than necessary. All this protection was to make sure that who's ever kid is the next successor or the Soyu power shall remain hidden. My parents never stopped my brother. He got his kindness from them. Ironically however," sigh "it was my brother who inherited the cursed power. Out of bloody 548 rotten souls, the only one who actually was human bore the title of being an inhuman beast!" I didn't even noticed and a tear has escaped my visual threshold onto my face. I wiped it off and continued. "I was devastated, completely! In our family, I was the only one who was an introvert. I never met strangers' eyes, never try to be polite to the unknown, nothing like my brother. He always used to show me that there's nothing bad with it though. I, on the other hand, used to fear the same fate that he met!"

"My parents did not lose their zeal in being polite and changing our clans ways, they were actually freaking happy at my brother's fate, saying that he will be the guide towards change."

"Everyone naturally knew soon enough about my brother's powers and now, he was the plagued taboo of our clan. Even the children used to run away from him. Slowly, it was only me and my parents who were by his side. He still never stopped believing. He kept trying and people grew impatient. They hated his approaches, they scowl at his sight, pretended to not listen to his call when he addressed. I was simply furiated at this. I vowed to make them pay for hurting my brother like this. When I exclaimed this infront of him, you know what he did?!" I let out a sarcastic laugh "His misty eyes met mine loath filled ones with all the love in this world and he said 'Hiru, you know, this is what I'm enduring so much to erase. If you think hurting is bad, why do it to them! Forgive, that's the only way out of this hate trap!' I hugged him tightly and cried, I was furious at him too for not asking for justice!"

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