Chapt. 2: Shower's

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"Beca." Emily whispered as she tugged at Beca's arm. No one has ever been successful waking beca up but, it was worth a shot because - Emily needed to talk to beca about the Barden Bella's.

"Beca." Emily conveyed, tugging a bit harder, but this time on Beca's shoulder. Tugging on someone's shoulder can make their head wobble and that will eventually wake their brain up, resulting in them waking up too.

"No, not today mr. Piggy, stop I don't wanna eat princess cupcake-"


"NO MR PIGGY!-" Beca awoke harshly, and shoved Emily off her bed. Beca fumbled on top of Emily and held her neck in her hand. She calmed down once she realized she was awake, and that she had her roommate in a chokehold.

Beca rubbed her temple and pinched the bridge of her nose after standing up.

"Emily what the hell!?"

"Beca w-what the hell were you dreaming of?!" Emily stuttered, trying to comprehend what just happened. Anyways that wasn't as important as what was needed to be discuss.

"I was- that's not important. Why are you waking me up at," Beca glanced over at her alarm clock that sits beside her bed on a mini table, it read 5:28.

"5:30 in the morning!? You do realize I don't have class for another 4 hours!?"

"Yes I rea-"

"It was a rhetorical question! What do you want Emily, this better be good." Beca kvetched, as she calmly walked back over to her bed; mind still filled with dissatisfaction.

"Who were you talking to last night?" Emily blurted out.

"A girl, she was do- how you know I was talking to someone?"

"I was with Leo last night. I heard you talking, he's rooms right next to the laundry room. He went out there and told you guys to shh and I told him to come back."


"Do you realize who you were talking to?"

"Nooo...." Beca stated slowly, as if she was actually suppose to know who she communicated with at 2 am in a laundry room.

"That was Chloe Beale! Leader of the Barden Bella's! There was another leader Aubrey Posen but she graduated 3 years ago. She's been leader ever since." Emily said anxiously, clearly not able to contain her excitement of what this could do for her.

"...and this is useful information how?"

"Let me explain-"

"Oh so now your explaining, didn't notice that earlier." Beca said sarcastically, laying back awaiting the lecture she was going to receive. We all know Emily doesn't know when to stop talking.

"Shut up. My mom was a Bella, but she got in a fight with Aubrey Posen's mom, who was also a Bella at the time. Since Aubrey was the current leader, she banned my mom and any other Junks from ever becoming Bella's. What I'm saying is that if you join the Bella's, you could maybe get me in." Emily crowed, trying to keep calm.

Emily was very passionate about the Bella's, especially becoming one. But that would t happen if she tried to audition on her own. She needed someone's help, and she knew if Beca helped her she'd have even the slightest chance.

"I need you to audition."

"Haha yeah, not happening. And while you fantasize about being a Barden Ballerina, I'm gonna go take a shower."

As Beca proceeded out the door with her shower materials, Emily called out,

"It's Barden Bella's!"

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