Chapt. 12: "what?"

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"So what are you saying?" Aubrey asked, Chloe then huffed, loudly, into the phone and repeated herself.

"I'm saying that you and Stacie would've made a good couple, that's all."

"I'm not into girls." Aubrey said calmly, even though her face was heating up on the other side of the phone.

"Mhm, I beg to differ." Chloe smiled.

Chloe and Aubrey talk on occasions. Aubrey graduated last year but Chloe remained behind; she couldn't bring herself to leave the Bella's. Aubrey is the assistant at Mike Brews Law-firm. It not where she wanted to work but for now, it will do.

"So any new Bella's. I know you had to recruit them on your own, and usually the same girls from last year just go out again."

Chloe took in a breath of air. All she could think about was Beca. Chloe was afraid of her mind being set on Beca again so she was very glad when her thoughts were interrupted by Aubrey's voice. Chloe responded,

"I gotta go I've got a lot of work so I'll call you when I can, love you."

Chloe hung up before Aubrey could also say her goodbyes, because who knows when they'll talk again; Chloe has school half the day and Aubrey works most of the day, only time they're able to talk is when holidays come or when they simultaneously have breaks. It hurts Aubrey's heart that she can't talk to her long-distance best friend everyday but she knows that she's saving money to come back out to Georgia to surprise Chloe. On the other hand Chloe's got feelings to worry about and how she's going to cope with them AND hide them from everyone who crosses her path. Just then there's a knock on her dorm room door.

Please don't be beca.

Chloe mentally hopes its not the women who had taken over her thoughts and has remained there for however long she's known her. Chloe lifts herself off the bed, unbeknownst to how bad she looks—not ugly just her makeup is off, she's got eye bags, also her eyes a little swollen from crying the other night, and also a huge shirt and baggy sweats with a messy bun; yeah most girls look cute but not Chloe, not now. This is one of the very few times that Chloe takes having a peak hole for granted. She places her hand on the knob and slowly turns the knob and swings the door open.


There stands beca with a rose; the smell of a rose that usually lingers isn't there. Chloe's mind quickly fills with thoughts of beca, and her anxiety rises. Chloe's face becomes really red and she can't speak. Beca quickly notices this and ask if Chloe's okay; Beca doesn't receive a response so she moves Chloe back into her dorm room and onto her bed. Beca sets her down and searches for her fridge and—luckily—there's a bottle of water in there. She gives the water to Chloe and to Beca's surprise, she untwists the cap and takes very little and very few sips. Beca waits a little until saying something.

"I um, I got you a chocolate rose. I was going to get you a real one but figured something to eat is always better." Beca chuckled a little. She grabbed the rose and lifted herself from the chair she was previously sitting in and sat next to Chloe on her bed, setting the rose in her lap. Beca took it slow but she set her hand on Chloe's lap, Chloe immediately tensed up but eventually released her nerves.

"Are you okay? And please- actually, I know you're not okay," Beca started to ask but quickly refrained from that question, knowing that she would just receive an "okay." From Chloe if that was her question. "What's wrong? And don't say anything because I know something's wrong." Beca demanded an answer in the sweetest way possible.

Chloe held back the tears as she thought about telling Beca the truth. Chloe just couldn't bring herself to tell anyone the truth about why she's skipped so many classes and why she's been having a few too many drinks lately, and, she doesn't want to accept it.

"If I told you... you wouldn't see me the same." Chloe spoke up and beca was bewildered. Beca couldn't possibly think that anything Chloe told her, she wouldn't see her the same; sure Beca would if she said she killed someone but Chloe's not mentally capable of doing that.

"What could you possibly say that would make me think of you any differently?"

"That.. That I,"

"What? That you what?" Beca was becoming more and more impatient to know what's been bothering Chloe but she remained calm and waited. Chloe finally looked up and stared intently at Beca and searched harshly for any hint of despair but found none, only sincerity. Beca stared back at Chloe; ever second noticing how beautiful she is, even her eyes bags and worn off makeup. Chloe is so gorgeous and beca is just now realizing this. Beca glanced down at Chloe's lips and admired their perfection also before looking back up into Chloe's eyes. Beca asked again,


Chloe's mouth gaped open a little bit she couldn't say it. She couldn't say the three words she has been dreading for what feels like an eternity. Beca looked into Chloe's eyes and slowly started to lean in, she didn't know what she was doing but it felt right. Chloe couldn't believe her eyes and was in shock. Beca's lips brushed across Chloe's and asked she asked again, "what?" Chloe began to answer "I," Beca then leaned in and finally closed the gap between her and Chloe. The kiss wasn't forced but it was as if the kiss wasn't wanted. Like the kiss was lingering with hesitancy. Chloe wanted to kiss back but only dreaded what would happen if she did. Beca noticed the resistance and put her hand behind Chloe neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Chloe did everything in her power to resist and she broke free. Chloe unsealed their lips and took in a breath before responding.

"I can't, not like this."

"What do you mean?" Beca wanted this kiss to last. She enjoyed it, more than she's ever enjoyed anything; ever. Beca isn't even thinking about the fact that her first kiss just happened. Beca also felt that shiver that came upon her when Tobin held her waist, but this time the shiver was thicker, deeper, stronger, and more warm. It's as if Beca was home when she kissed Chloe. Beca only wanted more, craved more of that kiss that was unfortunately broken by Chloe.

"I think it be best if you leaved."

Beca had no other choice but to leave but set down a piece of paper by Chloe before saying, "it's my best friend Tobins number, give her a call sometime." Beca then left. Chloe started to tear up because if Beca is handing her another girls number, that's a red sign saying "not interested." And Chloe can't tell which is worst; she kissed Beca or how Beca felted about the kiss.

A/N: Woah Beca and Chloe's kiss, ALOS BECAS FRIST KISS KEKSUSBBEJSJ. What do you guys think? My plan is to update atleast once every two days or, once everyday. Thanks for reading this far and I can't wait for what future chapters hold 😏.

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