Chapt. 10: Chloe

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Beca's POV

Rehearsal lately have been exhausting. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but you can blame me, I've been living off pizza, chips, and soda for the last months, sue me for not being fit. I might have to join amy in horizontal running.

Aside from rehearsals, I've been worried about Chloe. She looks at me a lot; like a lot. I see her eying me every second I'm in her presence, and the only time she's not looking at me is when I'll turn and lip at her, only for her to look away and make it seem like she hadn't been staring at me for the last 10 minutes.

So that's why I'm on my way to Chloe's dorm room; 224; second floor of building C. I'm  fairly nervous, but I shouldn't be.

I arrived at Chloe's door and knocked twice. I head fumbling and a 'pick up your clothes.' Maybe I came at a bad time, that would be reasonable excuse to leave right now; I didn't inform her I was coming. I turned on my heel and proceeded the other direction. I had to study anyways for finals, winter break was soon and I wanted to end second semester on a good note. I had been doing good lately; A's and B's. I needed good grades so I could relax and not have to worry when I travel back home for the holidays. My thoughts were then interrupted when I heard a door creak open and a sly "hey." Was spoke.

I turned around and met Chloe's gaze. She looked like she was studying herself; tight shorts, oversized hoodie and a messy bun.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm alright, yourself?"

"I'm good." I responded.

The silence between us was awkward and I was so tempted to just run away but I felt this void pulling me in. That alternative vanished when Chloe invited me in and, without a doubt, I proceeded inside her dorm. When I entered it was as if I interned a hoarders home. There was trash everywhere. Old assignments, newspaper, coffee cups, pizza boxes, empty 2 liter soda bottles, etc. I did my best to step over anything and everything I could but it wasn't easy.

"I know it's trashy but finals have been dreading me so I haven't really had time to clean up." Chloe confessed and now I felt more concerned, I was lazy and had finals to deal with but my dorm room looked at least semi-decent.

"Tell you what, let's go get you some lunch and when we come back I'll helped you clean your apartment. Sound like a plan?"

"Yeah. Let me shower real fast. Make yourself at home." Chloe said before disappearing into the back room.


I planned on taking Chloe to a restaurant; eating inside, but when we entered the car I could feel Chloe tense up. I thought that maybe she would cool down once we hit the road but it seemed that the further we went from Barden the more she cringed, as if she was fighting something; an urge perhaps.

I thought of a secluded hill that Jesse took me to once for a picnic once an I imagined what it would look like at night; I forgot to mention that it's 9:30 and technically when you live on campus your curfew is 12. I plan on breaking that rule tonight.

On the way to the hill I picked up a pizza because I didn't want Chloe to be hungry; I had already ate. When we arrived and Chloe stepped out the car, she folded her arms signaling that she's cold. I grabbed a blanket from the trunk and draped it around her from behind, earning a soft 'thank's'.

"So, how was your day?" I spoke up, not looking over at Chloe yet.

"Fine... H-how was yours?" Chloe spoke as she shivered.

"Mine was okay. Finals have been rough though."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Chloe chuckled, enclosing the blanket around her more.

The was a long awkward silence between me and Chloe and I wasn't sure what to say. I could ask her why she acts the way she does, or maybe why when she looks me in the eye it's as if I'm causing her great pain.

"Are you okay?"

Chloe's POV:

I heard Beca; loud and clear. I didn't respond because I was afraid of the truth. I was afraid of beca finding out the truth, the one thing that I can't tell anyone. I choose to ignore her.

"Chloe?" Damn.

I took a deep breath and responded, "yeah?" I should have just never came.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"N-no, what did you say?"

Beca laughed a little, "I asked you if you were okay."

I clutched my hands together and squeezed my eyes shut. I was holding off any urge that was trying to get me to tell beca that "no, I'm not okay beca and you're the reason why," but I won't, because beca doesn't deserve that.

"You know, I'm actually getting pretty tired and I wanna get back to my dorm so I can sleep, can we go?" I rambled.

Beca opened her mouth to say something but instead stood up — helping me up — and made her way back to the car.

The ride home was fairly silent, the only words spoke were from beca asking me if she could turn on the radio. When we reached the university beca dropped me off closer to my dorm. When she pulled up she stared at me deeply, I could tell she was contemplating saying something, but instead she kept quiet.

What beca did do was lean over and kiss me on my cheek. I could feel my cheek burning red. I look at beca and gave her faint smile before saying "goodnight," and exiting the car.


Woo an update, I know I stopped because I had sports and school but it's the last week of winter break and I got this in 3 days. Hope you enjoyed the update. I want to get at least 2-4 more updates before winter break is over.

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