Chapt. 9: festival

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Halloween at Barden was never just Halloween. Oh no. Halloween meant that, girls dress as if they have half of their clothing and it's also an excuse for the jocks - and any other guy with like a row of abs - to take their shirts off. It was kinda the, be free night. The teachers don't assign essays or any homework - that wouldn't get done anyway - for the kids to stress about whisky out having fun.

What Halloween is to Chloe? It's as if she's never aged. When Halloween comes around, she's back in the mindset of 10-year-old-Chloe who wears her princess costume 6 out of the 7 days in a week. Chloe loves Halloween. It's her favorite holiday. Candy, costumes, and fun.

Halloween to Beca is just another lame holiday to get people to buy things, because c'mon, who in their right mind would think of scaring people - half to death - should become a holiday. Not in Beca's mind. But, Chloe has managed to get Beca all dressed up - well, at least put on some clothes to look remotely like Red Robin - and they are spreading the good acapella word.

"I just don't see the point," Beca groaned. "It's just Halloween, it's some lame thing, I mean really we can just buy candy at the store."

Chloe ignored Beca and made her way up to Stacie and the rest of the bellas - while Beca tagged behind - made their way to the Annual Barden Balloween festival. Beca could stress it enough that she has to actually leave her dorm but, now she had to see other people.

After a while the bellas split up and Chloe ran back to Beca.

"Will you lighten up, it's Halloween!"

"Exactly. Halloween."

Chloe sighed, she grabbed Beca's hand feeling the coldest right as the skin touched. "Your hands are cold." Chloe announced, looking up at Beca. "Oh yeah," Beca yanked her hand away. "The radio station gets really cold."

"Well c'mon lets go get some hot co-co."

Beca and Chloe set off towards the hot co-co stand.

Emily and Leo just arrived at the festival. Emily checked her phone once again as Leo just admired how she fidgeted when she's nervous. This is somethings he's always adored about Emily.

"You okay."

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine, I promise."

Leo gave Emily's hand a squeeze assuring her - himself - that she would be okay. They walked over towards the little pizza cart.

Chloe just bought Beca some hot co-co and sat her down on the little abandoned bench.

"So, what made you wanna audition."

"Oh," Beca contemplated lying and telling Chloe that she had a moment of clarity but, instead Beca told the truth. "Emily wanted me to."




Chloe looked up and saw Jesse walking over. Beca still had her head down. Jesse glanced over at Chloe whilst crouching down, Chloe just shrugged.

"Beca, babe." Jesse pick up Beca's head and looked into her dull eyes. "C'mon lets go." Jesse tried taking Beca but she politely said no and sat back down. "No, I'm gonna stay with Chloe." "Oh, okay, well," Jesse rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Chloe smiled a little.

I'm gonna stay with Chloe.

SMALL CHAPTER I KNOW. I'm trying to update more often but I've been having writers block and I've also been busy. Hopefully with all the candy I'll get tonight I'll have energy and a mindset to write a good chapter tomorrow. Happy Halloween! What's your costume?

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