Chapt. 15: unexpected guest

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A/N: i was going to right more but i think leaving you all on a cliff hanger is great. Also, it was my birthday yesterday! i will write the rest (and more tomorrow) 

Chloes not sure how it happened... well, technically, she does but, she's not sure exactly why. I mean she had a motive for coming here but now she's doubting the plan just because she's already got a lot on her hands and adding one more thing would just make her collapse. Chloe's currently standing outside Tobin's dorm room. Earlier today Chloe had texted Tobin asking if she knew about because where-abouts, of course Tobin did and Tobin told, "Yeah, she's visiting her mom. she needed a break." That did calm down chloe a bit, knowing Beca wouldn't go anywhere she wasn't safe, but she just wanted to make sure. Tobin had also told chloe to come over so they could have 'some fun' and although chloe never agreed, she did respond saying shed be over in half an hour. So, here chloe is standing outside toxins dorm room not sure if she should go through with this. About five more minutes went by until Chloe knocked on Tobin's dorm and waited for Tobin to open the door; not even 10 seconds later, the door swung open and revealed a very slouchy dressed Tobin. Tobins face only showed surprised while Chloe flashed a cheeky smile.

"oh." Tobin said, scratching her head.

"oh. what do you mean oh?" Chloe examined her outfit, seeing if maybe she tried to hard. She had on a red long sleeve, some blue ripped jeans, and black high-top converse.

"No i just, i did know you were coming over."

"I texted you."

Tobin then grabbed her phone out her sweatpants pocket and saw chloe text dated 30 minutes ago, she also realized her ringer was off so no wonder she didn't hear it. Chloe noticed how Tobin was reacting and quickly offered to go home.

"No. Im actually kinda lonely and I just got done studying so, you can come in if you'd like." Tobin smiled.

Chloe slowly made her way in and quickly examined the room; "a lot of soccer", was chloe first thought, her second was about how tidy Tobin was. Chloe examined a soccer ball that looked almost brand new.

"That, was the first soccer ball that was used during my first high school game. I kept it just because that day i realized just how much i loved soccer and how my passion and desire showed for it." Tobin said proudly.

"Nice. I like when a girls ambitious."

"Oh, so you like me." Tobin smirked, getting closer to Chloe.

"You could say that."

Tobin placed her hands on Chloe waist and made eye contact with Chloe baby blue eyes. She quickly contracted realizing what she was doing.

"Sorry, I just-"

"its okay, you did text me to come over and have fun." Chloe smiled.

Tobin hide her grin and placed her hands back on Chloe waist.

Chloe needed this; she needed a release, something to get her mind of Beca for once and, its not like Tobin was an old bag, Tobin was an attractive soccer player who will be making the principles list and if she's taking an interest in chloe, Chloe will take one in her. The only thing in Chloe's mind right now was Beca and she yearned to remove that constant thought.

Tobin leaned in slowly and connected her and Chloe's bottom lip in a tight brace. She sucked lighting, and bit down on the tender skin. Chloe slightly moaned and that fueled Tobin's fire. Tobin her hands down to grab ahold of Chloe's butt and once Tobin did that she felt a smiled form on Chloe's lips. Chloe took the initiative t deepen the kiss by connecting their tongues. Not to long after Tobin grabbed Chloe's legs and lifted her up, taking her to the bed.

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