Im sorry (important)

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Hey guys. I know its been awhile since I've updated and a long time since I've talked to you all, even though I'm not actually talking to you guys. I just want to say thank you all for reading this story and my other stories because it means a lot; knowing I can entertain you with my writing. My initial wanting for the Unrequited Love story was my life. I had a crush (and still have) on a person (lets call them C) and my love for them only grew as time went by. C and I are best friends and love C so much, not just as best friends. I thought by writing about someone being in love with someone and them not quite reciprocating the feelings, I could maybe cope with my feelings but, that backfired. my feelings only increased and as I would write, it would sadden me and i would just remind myself of my feelings and how I will never be with that person. My last day of school is May 26 and C isn't going to my high school. C is going to one thats kinda far from my school and C may also be moving to Washington. I only have two weeks left with C (side note: I'm crying writing this). Basically what I'm saying is that i will not be finishing this story. Im constantly hurting myself and I can't handle it anymore. Im sorry to all the people who wanted a written out ending. This is also the reason I wouldn't update often.for those of you who want to know what would've happened, feel free to message me. Once again, I'm sorry but I need to look after myself for once. Who knew that at 4pm, you would realize that your life about to change forever...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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