Chapt. 14:

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The kiss that was shared between Beca and Chloe has been pushed towards the back of Chloe's mind; and chloe plans on thinking of it as little as possible. Chloe's mom once told her–which she later learned was a quote from lion king–"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But, you can either run from it or, learn from it." Chloe had been running from her feelings fro so long that she lost herself and even began distancing herself from the people who were closest to her. Chloe rarely talked to Stacie, declined some facetime's from Aubrey and even left some calls from her mom unanswered. Chloe was so caught up in trying to figure out her own issue instead of letting other people help and talking to someone else, at least seeing if they were able to help the issue, instead Chloe pushed everyone away thinking she would be better off alone. If Chloe was being honest, it was boring; not talking to people and just sitting in your dorm all day, occasionally going to the classes you feel are most important.

Now Beca, on the other hand, is letting everyone in. Beca called her mom and explained how she's discovering these new feelings and her mom just listened and offered advice. Beca also visited her dad and sat down and talked with him, and Beca actually got something from the conversation they had; that beca needs to confront her problem instead of running from it. Beca was a decent student until her parents divorce, thats when she became distant and her A's & B's turned into C's, D's, and the occasional F. Beca believed–and still does–that she was the reason her parents got a divorce, even though Phil constantly reminds her that it was because he was unfaithful to his mom at one point and her mom had a little breakdown and she filed for divorce and thats how that happened. 

Beca and chloe both had one thing in mind, they had to confront their problem, which was one another.

It was Tuesday up in Georgia, and at Barden that meant Taco Tuesday. Everyone gathers inside and on the outside patio of Matt's Taco Crib. It's a very popular spot for seniors on the garden campus, and maybe the occasional junior. Chloe always went to taco night, it was mostly because Stacie would go and check out the seniors and chloe kinda liked the tacos, she's had better though. Beca however has never been to Taco night. She was dragged here by her best friend Tobin because Tobin knows her crush Alex comes here with her boyfriend Servando, so when servant leaves her, Tobin can sneak in a quick chat. So basically Beca's going to be alone tonight. And, so will Chloe.

Beca has only been drinking water, seeing she's never had alcohol she really doesn't want to start now, although drinking a lot of "vodka" can have its downsides; having to pee. Beca let Tobin know she was going pee and quietly rushed towards the bathroom. Beca pushed open the door and turned the corner only to see a red head thats got her head down and breathing ever so gracefully. Beca was tempted to turn around and hold her pee until she got home but instead, she pushed back anything that has happened recently and said something.

"Hey." it was almost as if Beca whispered the greeting. The redhead looked up and it was Chloe, she wasn't sad or anything, she was just very tired. 

"Oh, Hey." Chloe said; forcefully.

They stood in an uncomfortable silence and Beca couldn't take it anymore,

"You okay?" she let out a little chuckle, trying t indicate she didn't really care, but she did want to know of Chloe's well being.

"Im okay, just tired. Stacie dragged me out here."

"Oh, yeah Tobin dragged me out here, she's got a crush on Alex Morgan so..."

"I don't blame her, Morgan's got mad soccer skills and a killer body."

"Oh, okay."

Chloe took a large intake of air and was going to finally face the thing she's been dreading for months.

"I missed you." Beca blurted out and Chloe was about to say the same thing.

"I missed you too, but I have more to say."

Beca waited.

"I love you Beca. Not the friend love where we paint each others nails and gossip about other people, i mean love where i want to make you pancakes in the morning and buy you a puppy but then also want to fuck you so hard you moan for hours. Also, just going to throw in there that I'm a bit tipsy. I still remember when i first met you in the laundry room and you cursed in threes and in the shower and at auditions, I remember all that. Ive never had these type of feelings for anyone and that really explains why I've been acting the way i have been lately."

"I dont. I can't. I need some time, Chloe." and with that Beca exited the bathroom, and once again chloe was left all alone and on the verge of tears. 


short chapter but I'm trying to get this one finished because i have another story idea but i don't want to just delete this one.

Unrequited Love (Bechloe)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon