Chapt. 7: deans office

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Beca was sure that would murder Mariluen one day. Okay. Maybe not actually murder her - but - she would cause her physically and emotional pain that she won't be able to rid of. But, Beca was probably sure her mom already did that.

How Mariluen knows about Phil walking out on his family? Beca's mom Rose was Gal Pals with Mariluen. They both met in their senior years of highschool and we're best friends ever since - even when Phil walk out. Rose immediately ran to Mariluen, seeking comfort - and that's what she got. Kinda hard for Beca - or - anyone really; that Mariluen would actually comfort someone, but it happened. But that all went downhill when Rose starting communicating with Mariluen's ex-husband Ryan. Rose was not looking for another relationship, only a friend - but Mariluen took it the wrong way.

Over the course of a few weeks she purposely made plans with her ex just so they would hangout, but of course she would, they were married. It became way to consistent and Rose confronted Marileun. Mariluen only snapped back and made the situation a bigger deal than intended. When Ryan filed a divorce that's when Mariluen went bananas, literally.

Mariluen became very psychotic and almost tried to kidnap Rose and "stab her heart multiple times so she feels the pain I did when Ryan left me." Rose never understood why she let some man come between them and their friendship. Because Rose was so sympathetic, she dropped the charges and Mariluen ended up being let free.

No one has seen her smile since her court hearing.

And Beca was only 16 when all this happened. (She's now 19, 20 in a couple weeks).

Chloe on the other hand wasn't feeling any better. She was more so concerned about her track record than Beca. She has never been to detention. And I mean - never. She's not sure what to expect or what she should do when her father ask her what she did and her only reasonable response would be "my hair wasn't looking it's best." Because really, that's what sparked the whole conflict.

They had already arrived at the deans office and he had work to do so he had them come in together instead of separate, having both of them give their explanations.

"Well," The dean sat back in his chair as he loosened his tie; any conversation with Beca was bound to become an argument.

"I came to class late and, Ms. Mariluen asked me why and I said I was having a bad day." Chloe stopped speaking.

Chloe wasn't going to say anything until Chloe stopped speaking. If Chloe hadn't noticed, she left out the part where she criticized Chloe's hair, which, by the way looked great and still looked great.

"Is that all Ms. Beale?" The dean asked.

Beca don't, She though to herself.

Just hold your breath.

"Alright, if that's-"

"That's not all." Beca spoke up, eating a shocked look from Chloe and kinda sorta the dean.

"Care to explain the rest Chloe." Beca gestured her hand between the dean and her. Chloe's only nodded and sunk further into her chair.

"After she stated she was having a very bad day, Ms. Mariluen decided to critique Chloe's hair. Even though she had no business critiquing someone else's hair when her was about as dusty and gray as a tombstone." Beca said.

Chloe chuckled, earning a glare from the dean, mumbling a "sorry."

"Is this true Ms. Beale?"

Chloe huffed and looked over at Beca who looked so sincere about this.

"It- it's- yes, it's true."


The dean began typing in his computer and moments later he let the girls go free. Right when they stepped out of his office, Chloe slugged Beca's shoulder.

"What was that for!?"

"For stepping on my shoe, what the hell do you think it was for!?"

"Okay, if you hadn't noticed, that lady was tormenting you ¥and me. I wasn't going to just let that slide."

"You could've for me."

Beca wasn't sure how to respond. But that didn't stop her from catching up with Chloe and grabbing her shoulder.

"Why are you so worried. You told on a teacher, whup-de-doo. Your not gonna die."

Chloe smiled, but before she could speak a kid caught up with her.

"Hi." Is all the kid said.

"Hi, um, do I know you?" Chloe said, giving Beca little glance.

"My names Theo. I have psychology with you. I sit two seats behind you, and I heard what Ms. Marileun said to you," he glanced pass Chloe's shoulder and gave a 'howdy-do' at beca. "And how you stood up for her."

There was a faint silence before he continued.

"I really like you, like a lot. Your very pretty and I've seen you around and never worked up the courage to talk to you and, I was wondering if you would like to maybe- if I could take you on a date?"

Beca looked up at Chloe and then began walking away, she obviously wasn't needed there.

"I'm flattered," Chloe started. "But I'm very busy with acapella and school an I don't think I have time for a boyfriend."

Theo's smile quickly faded and he stuck his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. Chloe felt bad, but she didn't know what to say.

"Okay how about this," Theo look up.

"We're having good night tonight, after we recruit new Bella's. You can be my plus one. Sound good?"

Saying that Theo was happy, would be an understatement.

"Can I hug you?"

Chloe chuckled, "yeah."


If any of you watch TEEN WOLF that's where I got Theos name and just imagine his face (visual aid).

Okay, looks like Bechloe has got competition. Maybe their not always destined because I'm all in for #chleo. Do you think it will be Chloe and Beca or Chloe and Theo?

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