Chapt. 5: Morning

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I apologize for the boring chapter but, good news, I have a day off tomorrow so I'll see if I can post a new chapter.

Today we're auditions.

Of course, Beca still had to go to her morning classes. Which included the following: Algebra 2.1, Psychology, and, ready? AP Biology - which happens to be the same class chloe has, but let's go back and ask the question; why is Beca taking AP Biology? Well, a certain someone, for got to study for the finals and just asked a friend for all the answers. Beca ended up acing her test, shocking her teacher, all her classmates, and the whole city of Las Angeles. Her teacher demanded she'd be put in an AP class.

A/N: beca grew up in Cali but moved to Atlanta, Georgia later. You'll find out why, later in the story 😉.

Today has been rather off; Beca's already had her morning coffee but, she feels as if she didn't even drink it. She has this little bit of pain in her lower abdomen. The same as Chloe - she hasn't been feeling right all day. She took some Asprin and drank some orange juice, she was going to skip all her classes (including AP biology) because she though she was comming down with like nausea or something, Stacie joked and said "it's love dude." Laughing immediately after.

But, the only thing that was on beca mind right now was how she was going to pass the Biology test today, because she was suppose to study last night but - there was kind of a distraction. Who are we kidding? Beca wouldn't of studied anyway.


"Do you have that biology test today?"

"Yeah but, I think I might bail class. Forgot to study."


"Yeah, wasn't a priory."

"A lot of things aren't your priorities, but if you wanna graduate college - you need to study and pass your classes."

"Woah Jesse, I don't need a dad lecture from my boyfriend."

"I'm just trying to help! Besides, you love it when I lecture you."

Jesse walked over towards beca and gave her a quick hug before leaving. Jesse was Beca's boyfriend, they have been the for about 2 1/2 weeks - nothing big. He's kinda like 'I don't really need him but without him I don't know what I would do', so he's sorta a big deal in Beca's life. Although they've been dating for almost 3 weeks, they have yet to kiss. They did come close though - they were watching the ending of The Breakfast Club and Jesse began leaning in, beca instantly became nervous and pulled away.

You might ask, "well if Beca's got a boyfriend, why was she going to let Chloe be her first kiss?," And my answer is, beca is open (not to much though). She doesn't really care if her first kiss is with roadkill - well - she doesn't really care if she even has a first kiss. The sentimental things aren't really Beca's thing but, she makes exceptions.

Not to long later, there was another light knock on Beca's room door - not her dorm room door, her bed room door. Beca assuming it was Emily, or maybe even Jesse - she starts to take of her shirt (she's changing because, unfortunately, she has class in like 8 minutes).

"Come in."

Beca said as she discarded her shirt, leaving her standing there with only a bra and some jeans on. What beca didn't know was, that, the person knocking was not Jesse, nor Emily - but Chloe.

"Hey beca I- oh."

Chloe stood there, uncertain as to what she should do. Beca had just caught a glimpse of Chloe and she - herself - wasn't sure what to do.

"I mean go ahead now, no point in waiting." Beca joked, noticing a bit of a blush creeping up on Chloe's cheeks. Beca actually felt pretty confident now; seeing Chloe's body in the shower - and if Chloe's blushing, Beca's gotta have a banging body.

"I was uh- I was gonna ask i-if you wanted to like walk to class together?"

"My first class is algebra. You don't have algebra with me."

"I know, I know - it's just - my psychology class is like right next to yours so..."

"You wanna walk <I>me to my class? Why? Why not Stacie?"

Beca questioned, finally finding a shirt to put on, hiding her freckled little body.

"I don't know. Just wanted to walk you to class-" Chloe was already done with her sentence but, beca immediately questioned why she wanted to walk her to class.

"This wouldn't happen to be about last night, - would it?"

Chloe was silent; gnawing at her bottom lip harshly, not really sure how to avoid the question because - yes - it was about last night. Chloe wanted to know why she was feeling this way; the weird thing is - they didn't even kiss! Chloe's slightly more confused than beca.

"No! No, I just - can't I- fine, yeah, it's about last night." Chloe confessed, gripping a lot harder on the door frame harder than before. Slightly leaning in Beca's room, waiting for a response.

"Okay," Beca responded as she brushed pass the doorway and Chloe, grabbing her jacket that hanged of the arm of the couch. "You can walk me but, you have to but me coffee."

"Okay." Chloe smiled whilst bitting her lip.


"No way."

"Way, and, she wasn't even the one who stole the pineapple. She got suspended for like a month." Chloe pleaded, couple years ago her and all the Bella's were at the Annual Bella Luau and, someone stole the pineapple while Stacie was in watch of it, so, for punishment, she was suspended for attending any Barden party for a month.

"I wanna get to know Stacie more."

"Yeah, she's a real eye opener."

Beca chuckled. She took the last sip of her coffee before discarding it in the trash an that she coincidently passed. It was quiet most of the way towards Beca's home room, that was until Chloe finally popped the question.

"Hey so, the guy leaving your room-"


Chloe nodded.

"That's my boyfriend."

Chloe face instantly dropped. To be honest, it was out of her control, she couldn't pick it up.

"You okay?"

"...I'm fine, have a good rest of the days. See you at auditions." Chloe faked a smile; fading as she walked away. She could hear her teacher yelling at her and asking her why she was late.

Chloe didn't wanna go to class, not now, not feeling like this. She rushed over to Stacie's room and knock hard on the door.

"Hey Chloe, what's wrong?"

Chloe didn't speak, just fell into Stacie's arms; sobbing.

WHAT!? BECA HAS A BOYFRIEND!!?? NO! it's suppose to be Bechloe not jeca. What do you guys think of having a boyfriend? Will they split or will they be destined till the end?

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