Chapter 1

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      I felt a raindrop hit my forehead as I walked the streets of New York. As I walked, I saw couples kissing in the rain, hugging, holding hands, etc. How stupid they are, I thought. They don't see that love is stupid and hurtful. I glared at the "happy couples". My best friend, Margaret must of saw me glaring, because the next thing I know she said "oh Catherine, don't glare, look how happy they are." "They may be happy now", I said, "but eventually they'll be heart broken". Margaret rolled her eyes at me. "Why do you have to act like that towards love?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Don't you remember when you were in love? You know, with Cole? You were so happy!" She said. I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes getting wide. A thousand great memories of me and Cole came to mind , but then the one bad one that ruined it all came to my mind. "Oh I remember all right, the bittersweet love we had." "The great memories, the flirting but then comes the pain and the heart break." I stated. "So yea, who could forget a bittersweet, painful love like that." I snapped. "I... I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that". Said Margaret. "It's fine" I said, as me and Margaret walked home in silence.

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