Chapter 10

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As I entered the school I still saw Brent storming ahed of me. He was going towards the gym. "Brent?! Brent?! What are you doing?" I yelled. He didn't answer me though, so I decided to follow him. Brent stormed into the gym in the middle of a basketball practice. And then I saw it. Oh no. This isn't good. He was heading towards Cole. I started to run towards him, but I wasn't fast enough. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You jerk!! You can't just hurt an innocent, sweet girls heart like that!!" Brent yelled in Coles face. "What the hell are you talking about?!?!" He screamed back. "You hurt her Cole. You know that right? She doesn't believe in love anymore. Thanks to you. You broke Catherine's heart and she didn't deserve that. She's a beautiful and amazing girl and she didn't deserve to be hurt like that!" Said Brent. I was in shock. I ran in between them though so that a fight wouldn't start. "Well she looks fine now. She'll get over it! You're just saying all that because you like her. But let me tell you a secret Brent you don't deserve her. You're one of those guys that flirts with everyone. Just like me and you know that. So, suck it up and get out of my face." Stated Cole. "Besides I was just using her to make Kira jealous anyways. I never actually loved her." Said Cole harshly. I felt like an arrow went through my heart. "You.. You.. What?" I asked stunned. The next thing I knew Brent punched Cole smack in the face. Then the basketball coach came over and took Brent by the arm and took him up to the office. I could tell this wasn't going to be good.

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