Chapter 16

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I came home from school excitedly. I ran to my room and opened my laptop. As I opened my laptop, I went to I looked and looked and looked and couldn't find one dress that I liked for the dance. I scrolled down one more time and my mouth dropped wide open. It was the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen!! It was a silver dress that went to my knees with diamond sparkles on the top. I imminently bought it! Before I knew it, it was 6 and Brent was knocking on my door. I let Brent in and saw that he was holding a black tux. "So what do you think about my tux?" He asked me. "It looks great. Now all you need to find is a date." I said teasingly. I was sort of hoping that me and Brent would go to the dance together but only as friends. I wasn't going to tell him that though, I think he needs to ask me. I figure he will ask me soon. "I have a few people in mind that I could ask." He stated smirking. Here it comes. "Like who?" I asked curiously. His next sentence made all the hope die in me. "Well I'm thinking about asking Kylie" he said flat out. See you got your hopes up that he would ask you and look where it got you. I told you that you would just get hurt. Should've listened to me. My subconscious was really annoying me. "O- oh, Kylie.. She seems.. Um.. Nice" I stated trying to smile. "Yea she seems pretty cool" he said. Pretty cool! Ha, please! Kylie is Kira's sister. She's a mean girl just like Kira and flirts with every guy in the school. One part of me wanted to tell Brent about Kylie but the Other part of me didn't want to hurt his happiness. I decided I should just be happy for him. Besides, we're friends. We are supposed to be happy for each other. "Wow that's great! You're going to have an awesome time!" I stated faking a huge smile. "Thanks! So who are you going to ask?" He asked me. "Oh. Probably nobody. I don't need or want a date." I said sharply. "Oh ok.. Well, if you do let me know and I'll help you find the right guy." Brent stated. "Sure thing" I said. "So, you ready to get started on math?" He asked "Actually, I was going to go to Margaret's and we were going to look for dresses. I'm so sorry." I lied. "That's ok. Well.. I'll see you tomorrow" he said. "Yea, see you tomorrow" I smiled weakly

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