Chapter 2: Leaving Already?

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I woke up to yet again sunlight in my face. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I threw the blanket off my body and began sitting up when my head made contact with the bed above me.

"Ow fuck!" I said. I placed my feet to the ground and put pressure on both feet just to see if my foot healed any. I fell. Of course, just my luck. I heard laughing from outside my cell and I shot a glare at Carl.

"Need some help?" Carl smirked.

"Not from you!" I yelled. He was such a dick.

"Why do you always have to be so mean, I was laughing you need to lighten up." He says.

"Oh yeah because me falling and getting hurt is so damn funny, you're a dick Grimes." I said pushing myself up.

"Whatever." He said.

"Whatever." I mocked him and slammed his shoulder as I limped by.

"Where are you going now?" Carl said chasing after me.

"Get away from me." I said pushing his shoulder.

"Fine!" He yelled and walked away.

I made my way to the "kitchen" or whatever you'd call it and seen Hershel sitting eating breakfast.

"Glad I found you Hershel." I smiled and sat down next to him.

"What can I help you with?"

"I'm planning on leaving tomorrow and I was wondering if there's anything you can give me to help this heal faster so I can walk on it." I asked.

"No, we're low on medicine right now."

"I actually have some with me I got at the pharmacy in Troy." I said stumbling to my bag and pulling put some pills.

"Oh great!" He said rummaging through the bag and pulling out a variety of pills.

"Here take these. You should be fine and ready to go by tomorrow. Which reminds me are you sure you wanna leave, you can stay with us." He smiles handing me 3 pills.

"No offense but I don't fit in here. Don't be worried I can handle anything." I smiled and went back to my cell taking the pills.

"Are you on drugs?" Carl said watching me take the pills.

"No you fucking idiot, there pills to help me get better!" I yelled.

"There's no pill for that." He said looking away.

"I'm tired of you being such a dick! If you're gonna be like that don't fucking talk to me! I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow okay! You won't have to worry about what I do anymore!" I yelled laying on the bed and trying to ignore him.

"Whatever it's not like I wanted you to stay her anyways." He said leaving. God how much I wanted to punch him.

The pills made me super sleepy and I ended up passing out for like 4 hours. When I woke up it was in the middle of the night and I was dying of thirst. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen area and found something to drink surprisingly. I heard footsteps behind me and slung my head around to see who it was. Ew Carl. I was too tired to fight with him so I just leaned against the counter and drank my water. He didn't say anything either just got a granola bar. He leaned right next to me and ate it. Occasionally he would look at me and made me feel apprehensive. I would glance over from time to time. After that horrible awkward session of silence and staring I put my glass away and walked to my cell.

"Hey wait." Carl whispered following me to my cell.

"Carl I'm too damn tired to argue with your dumbass, okay I know you don't like me and I don't like you either but please just leave me alone." I said.

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