Chapter 6: New Arrivals

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Today was all work no play, so many things went undone yesterday so everyone had to work around the prison. I got gun duty, which consisted of cleaning the guns, making sure all of them worked, unloading and reloading them, just things like that. Rick, Carl, Daryl, and Glenn were out on a run so I had some me time. Which I enjoyed very much. It consisted of singing songs that I used to be fangirling over when everything was normal.... I was reloading the .45 ACP when their truck pulled in. Rick, Glenn, and Daryl got out and I waited for Carl. My smile dissappeared as Carl got out....with a girl.


I ran down to him and the mystery girl.

"Who's this?" I said crossing my arms.

"This is Leslie, we found her held up in a building downtown." He said. I examined the girl, she had brown, long, wavy hair, a tiny waist with probably a B cup bra size, and a tiny butt. Not much but I guess she was decent. She had brown eyes and a long face.

"I'm Adalyn." I said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you." She said with a smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked. If she's gonna stay here I mine as well be nice to the girl.

"Yeah if it wasn't for this cutie right here I would've died." She said leaning up against Carl who's face turned red and he smiled widely. On the other hand? I'm surprised if there wasn't steam blowing out my nose.

"Haha, yeah." I said angrily. Carl's knew I was pissed by then.

"Let's go Carl." I said grabbing his hand and walking to the prison. I shut the door and jerked my hand away from him.

"God, what?!" He said.

"What the fuck was that!?" I yelled.

"What was what?" He said confused.

"Ya know the way your face lit up like a damn Christmas tree when she called you cute and rubbed her nasty body all over you?!"

"Adalyn calm down, she complimented me I mean I know how to take a compliment." He said grabbing my arm but I jerked away.

"No, carl if you're my boyfriend then you're MY boyfriend, you don't need to get all blushy and smiley when another girl compliments you and rubs all over you. Do you know how that makes me feel?" I said about to cry.

"Adalyn, I'm sorry, okay it didnt fase me, okay. Because I know that you're the only girl for me." He said grabbing my hands. I smiled and he brought me in for a hug.

"Promise it didn't mean anything." I said into his shirt.

"Pinky promise." He said.


I spent the rest of the day doing my daily duty and it was dark out when I finally decided to walk back in the prison.

The first sight I seen when I walked in was Carl and Leslie talking and Leslie twirling her hair around, flirtatiously, and Carl not even noticing that she was flirting. She was standing extremely close to him and I balled my hands into fists. I stormed over to them and got between them.

"Hey guys." I said leaning close to Carl. Earning eyes from Leslie.

"Hey." Carl said wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me close. Perfect.

"What was you guys talking about?" I said "sweetly".

"She was telling me about her before life." Carl said.

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