Chapter 8: Taken

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We drove for about half an hour before they actually stopped. I was just cringing as to how close these people were to the prison. So, if I don't kill them all if I escape they'll just come back and try to kill us again. Speaking of escaping, how am I going to do that? I was inturrupted by one the driver pulling me out of the truck forcefully and dragging me to what looked like a secret building with one distinct room that was metal. The other room was just wooden. The two men threw me into the metal room and locked the door. I looked around and there was only a table and a chair. Before i could examine any further a man came into the room and locked the door behind him. He had longish black hair and wore a white shirt with sweatpants and boots. Let's just say he looked like a drunk hobo.

"The boys were right, you are something." He said sitting in the chair.

"Who are you?" I said crossing my arms.

"Maybe you've heard of me. My names Joseph." He said with a smile. My eyes widened.

"Here's the deal. We got your boyfriend in the other room. You do as I day we let you both go." My heart raced. They have Carl. Wait do they? This could all be a lie to get me to do things.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"His names Carl right, wears flannel, floppy kind of hair, sheriff hat." Oh god they actually have him. My eyes wondered fearfully.

"Alright, now I need you to do some things for me. If you don't, I'll have my boys beat him to death."

"Fine." I said.

"Take off your shirt." He made direct eye contact. I bit the inside of my lip. I slipped my shirt off and threw it on the table violently. He smiled. Did I mention he was smoking a cigarette the whole time, because I was almost choking.

"Why'd you stop?" He said blowing out smoke. My brows narrowed. I unhooked my bra and covered my boobs with my hands. He blew smoke out and grabbed my arm dragging me out the door. The goons who napped me were giving me googly eyes as Joseph threw me into the wooden room. Carl sat on the ground with blood pouring down his face, a bruised and swollen eye, and cuts all on his face.

"Adalyn!" He said catching me and wrapping my naked body from the eyes of Joseph and his goons. He shut the door and locked it.

"What did he do to you?" Carl said brushing hair behind my ear.

"He told me if I did what he said they wouldn't hurt you." Tears busted from my eyes.

"Did he rape you!?" Carl said raged in anger. I didn't say anything.

"Adalyn!" He yelled.

"No!" I yelled back.

"No, he didn't. I wouldn't let him."

"That's good." He said with a smile.

"No, Carl, it's not! You were getting abused in here! He told me to do what he said or else you'd get hurt! I didn't do as he said and you got hurt! I should've done it to protect you!" I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Adalyn don't you dare think like that, I don't care who's in danger if someone ever tries to make you do things you don't want to do, YOU DON'T DO THEM! You were right to do what you did. And I'm proud of you." He said kissing my forehead. A small smile formed on my face.

"Are you okay?" I said looking into his pale blue eyes.

"I'm okay." He smiled.

"You look really bad, Carl." I said about to cry again.

"Adalyn, don't cry I'm fine, really, it just hurts a little." He said.

"We have to get out of here." I said looking around.

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