Chapter 4: Return

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It has been about 4 hours and they still weren't back yet, now I was worried. I mean it sounds kind of cliche but Carl is all I've got, we haven't been together for a long time but all I know is that if something happened to him, I wouldn't have anything else in my life to keep me going. To keep from completely breaking. He's the only thing holding me together at the moment and he's been gone for the entire day. And I didn't even have the nerve to tell him to be careful and kiss him. How stupid, right?

I layed in my bed thinking of all the things I should've done when I heard Maggie running to my cell. I raised up as she made it to the doorway.

"They're here." She said. I blinked my eye repetitively as a smile formed across her face. I jumped out of bed and ran outside. I seen Glenn hop out of the car and Maggie ran and hugged him, kissing him, and embracing him like he was gone forever. I looked around for Carl and then I spotted him. He looked like shit, but he was my shit. Yes, this time I did do like the movies do. I ran all the way across the prison to the gates, my feet pounding the ground as I got closer and closer. He spotted me and began running to me too with a big smile across his face. I jumped in his arms wrapping my legs around him as he caught me. I cried into his neck.

"I thought I lost you." I said.

"Baby, I'll always come back to you." He said in my ear making me smile bigger than what I already was. He put me down but I never let go.

"Let me look at you." He said raising my chin.

"No, I'm all teared up and I look stupid." I said wiping my tears away in embarrassment. His hands took hold of my face and his thumbs wiped the wetness from my cheeks.

"You are never stupid looking. Ever. You are a strong and beautiful women, and without you I would've never came back today." I smiled and kissed him. It was a passionate kiss, like a "I haven't seen you in 5 years" kiss.

"Carl!" Rick said. I nodded and Carl ran to his dad embracing him. Rick grabbed his head and kissed it.

"I thought something bad happened." I overheard rick.

"Come on dad, you really think I'd get taken out by those things?" He laughed.

"What happened?" Tyreese said, he was the black man with the beard I saw when I first came here.

"Well me and Carl were getting suplies like usual but from a different store, it hadn't been hit yet so alot of supplies were there. But when we tried to open the back door an alarm went off and we got stuck between two glass doors." Glenn said as Maggie held onto his arm.

"Glenn through a freaking pipe bomb! I guess you'd know something about that dad." Carl said looking up at his dad.

"Yeah, but what else happened." Rick said.

"We were heading to the car and I lost Glenn I thought I found him but it was a walker and when I tried to get off its face literally came off. I didn't get hurt though and Glenn found me and the car and we drove off as fast as we could." Carl said. I was biting my fingernails the whole time.

"I thank you Glenn, for brining my boy back." Rick said hugging glenn. Glenn nodded. Rick left and the others followed soon after. It was just me and Carl outside.

"Were you really worried?" He said walking over to me.

"Not at first but you were gone for so long, what else could I think besides something bad happening. I mean I wasn't wrong." I said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Adalyn. I never want you to be scared." He said grabbing my hand.

"I don't want you to live in fear. I want to protect you and make sure nothing ever ever hurts you." Those words. Those certain words made me realize that the whole time I wanted to be alone, I only ever needed someone to show me they cared. I smiled as tears formed in my eyes again.

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