Chapter 16

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My Dad. And Adalyn.

I choked out a laugh and a smile formed on my face. They weren't dead. They were here. I saw a man yank Adalyn up from the ground and smell of her hair. She looked away and he through her back to the ground to be picked up and dragged into the building by another man. I had to save them. All of them.

I looked at what all I had on me to improvise with. A knife, a pistol, and a bag full of food. Wow all I have is shit. I looked around for anything else before seeing a walker behind me. I sighed. I crouched through the grass and raised up to kill it. My eyes widened.

A herd.

I backed away and did the only thing I thought of.

Lead them to Terminus.

I ran to the fence and threw my bag over it. I climbed the fence and backed away as the herd piled against it.

"Fuck me man." I said. I turned around to see a man with a gun pointing it right to my head.

"Yeah fuck you." He smiled. Before he could pull the trigger I leaned sideways and jerked it from his hand reversing it towards him. His hands raised in surrender.

"Look man I'm so-"

I pulled the trigger and he fell to the ground.

"Shutup." I said to his lifeless body.

I didn't have much time before all the people I loved were murdered and before all the walkers broke the fence behind me. I had to hurry. I examined the body that I had just killed before noticing something.

He had a sniper.

And a grenade.

I grabbed his weapon and the grenade.

"Thanks." I said. I only had one chance to get this done right. I set up the sniper and aimed through one of the windows of the buildings. Everyone was lined up in front of a long metal tub. 3 men stood behind them, one had a bat. He would hit people in the back of the head and another guy would slit their throat and let them bleed out into the tub. What the hell was this? The man stepped up to what looked like Glenn. He raised his bat and my finger was on the trigger. Before anything could happen he was inturrupted by a different man with a clipboard. He and the man were talking before the clipboard guy leaned down to my dad yanking out a towel from his mouth. They began to talk. I took a deep breath as the walkers behind me were getting agitated.

The man put the towel back in my dad's mouth and walked off. The guy with the bat walked behind Glenn and raised it up. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. When they opened I pulled the trigger and sent the man's body flying into the tub. Everyone panicked, the two men that stood behind them started to run but I shot them too. My dad managed to escape and began slaughtering anyone who entered the room. He freed everyone else and they ran out. The fence behind me came crashing down and the walkers didn't hesitate to follow soon after.

I grabbed my things and ran to the building as fast as I could shooting down anyone in the process. I made it to a small shed with items in it. I spotted Daryl's crossbow and grabbed it. I ran outside face first into a walker I bashed it's head in with the crossbow and ran back up the hill away from the building and the walkers. I looked back from the top of the hill and saw people being attacked and the place become overrun. I looked to my right and saw one of the signs again. I grabbed some dirt and rubbed it all over the sign. I wrote "NO" above sanctuary. The sign read:

No Sanctuary

I walked into the woods before seeing something very familiar. I saw Daryl's wings on his jacket. I walked through the trees and saw the group very clearly. I saw Adalyn. She was as beautiful as ever. I walked closer and heard my dad's voice.

Closer Than Strangers//Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now