Stay Home or Stay Safe

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Location: Metroville, Western View High School

It was awkward in that moment. Violet was at her locker, grabbing her books for her last class of the day and any she needed to do homework for. She caught a glimpse of Tony passing by and he seemed to have noticed her and gave a friendly waved. Not wanting to seem rude, Violet gave a small wave back to her ex. Once he was out of sight, Violet closed her locker and sighed as she leaned her back against it.

"If you still like him, why don't you two just get back together?" Kari asked.

"And be labelled the on and off couple? I'd rather not." She said. "And besides, I just don't think we' know? Meant to last."

"What are you talking about?" Kari questioned as the two girls began heading to their final class of the day. "You two went out for a year and half and people were going to vote for you two as "cutest couple" at prom!"

"Prom is not for another couple of years." Violet stated.

"Yeah, but they start planning those things now."

"From what people saw, I guess one could say we looked good, but that's all we had going. I was just never around and it wasn't fair to him. We agreed it was best that we just break it off."

"Vi, when you're in a relationship you have to commit." Kari told her.

"I know. But something always comes up. I can't help it."

"Your secret activities are really going to make you miss the best things of your life."

"Yeah." Violet said looking down. She did enjoy super work. It had made her no longer afraid of her powers and made her embrace who she was, but there were times when it interrupted her normal life. Sometimes a girl just wants a chance to go to the mall with friends or the movies with her boyfriend, well...when she had a boyfriend.

"Well, you can't always have the best of both worlds." She shrugged.

"Doesn't mean you can't try." Kari stated.

Violet laughed lightly. "How about we get to English and then I'll worry about balancing my life."

"Don't wanna delay too long. Otherwise it'll be too late."

"I doubt one class counts as a life time."

"Sometimes it does. Have you seen Mr. Kurt's lectures on the first thanksgiving? Everyone falls asleep before he can get the slide up."

"That's a matter of time slowing down cause we're all bored."

"You call it what you want, but I could've accomplished a lot in that hour."

"Yeah, you would've become president." Violet said sarcastically,

Class went by as usual. Read the prescribed text, take notes, answer questions. All that jazz. It wasn't hard. Violet had gone through the book already. She did read in her spare time. Although, it was rare when she'd get moments just to herself. When you have two lives, you rarely have time for yourself. But since her family saved the city a few years ago, many supers had come out of hiding and so it made things a little easier when they came to the scene. It would mean she didn't have to jump into action and just enjoy being Violet.

The bell rang and all the students went off in their separate directions to get home, or work or just hang with friends. Violet headed down to the bus stop nearby and waited the few minutes for her bus.
She got on and showed her pass when it arrived. She only had to wait two stops before it stopped nearby her street. Seeing as the bus stop wasn't by her house, she did take another couple of minutes to get home. Dash probably ran home and beat her. She bet if they had to move again, it'd be because of him. But she hoped they didn't have to move.

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