Under Attack

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Location: Outside of S.B Williams Hall

The children would be getting ready to go to bed now. Meaning they would be easy to take as they wouldn't be expecting an attack. They'd be vulnerable. She directed her guards to the secret opening. Clearance was a must, but with a team of technicians, they'd be able to enter without identification or being detected.

Her group was armed and well prepared. Syringes and guns loaded with sedatives to knock the unsuspecting supers and anyone else who got into their way.

"Soon daddy." she said to herself. "The supers are going to pay."

The entrance then opened and the power was shut off. This would be the only working exit, so anyone who tried to escape had no choice and would be captured.

Location: Hallway

She knew Hiro hadn't meant it, but his words hurt. Right now, she just wanted to be alone before going back to face him. Unfortunately for her, Wilbur didn't understand her need to be alone right now. But maybe she could use a little bit of company. Wilbur may not have been her first choice, but he wasn't her last choice either.

"You wanna talk?" Wilbur asked and it was in a more sincere and sensitive manner. Something that she hadn't heard from him yet. Guess she shouldn't have underestimated that he could actually be sensitive.

"Not really." Violet shook her head. What was there to say? Words were forming in her mind, but then she shook them away and was left with nothing. Like a blank slate.

"You know he didn't mean that."

"But he also knew how we feel about being normal." she gritted her teeth so she wouldn't yell.

They haven't been here that long and there was still a lot they didn't know about each other. Today was a first they'd seen Hiro act irrationally. Something they didn't expect from someone like him. Like all their powers, their emotions were just as unpredictable.

"Don't let one little argument ruin your relationship with him."

That was when Violet turned around and gave him a cold stare. For the first time, he was actually afraid of her.

"That wasn't little. He could've shut up, but he had to go and make it personal. He went there Wilbur."

"And he probably regrets it." he told her. "Don't you think you owe him another chance. It might've been because he was angry at you, but he was referring to all of us."

"Are you saying it's my fault he lashed out at every single super?!" she questioned offended.

"No. I mean, in a sense." Wilbur shook his head, he probably wasn't the best with words at the moment. He could usually smooth talk his way out of trouble, but Violet wasn't the easiest to persuade. "Okay, what I'm saying is, he's mad cause you saved him. Not everyone is grateful for being saved. You of all people should know that?"

"What do you mean I should know?"

"About seventeen years ago? The whole reason the superhero relocation program?"

"Right. My father saved someone who didn't want to be saved." Violet slowly nodded. "But Hiro isn't that guy. My father didn't know the guy, Hiro's my...."

"Boyfriend?" Wilbur finished for her.

"I'm not sure what we are right now." she admitted.

"That's why you gotta talk to him."

"I don't think I'm the only one who needs to talk." she crossed her arms, staring the boy down. "You seemed pretty pissed at his comment too."

"He's my roommate. We'll get over it. After all, you know the famous Robinson family motto."

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