Robinson Industries Break In

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Location: Unknown

Sansweet may have had the skeleton chip, but she knew grabbing the chip was only the easy part. Not that it was easy, breaking into Robinson Industries more secure sections did require some skills. But thanks to the few supers she had and the technology she had turned months of planning into only a few hours to execute. William may not have been able to handle her headset, due to not being  super. Several supers she had tested it on had passed on too, meaning she needed to make improvements. But now the device worked, placing supers under her control. With the help of a young super with the ability of activation and deactivation. The kid was able to turn anything on and off. She just needed him to turn off all the power at the company and then she could send it another super with the power of intangibility to steal the chip.

Now, her only problem was that the chip only worked on one specific computer and that was back at RI. It was Cornelius Robinson's fail safe. She knew not to underestimate that man. He thought of every possibility to make the world a better place. If he really wanted to make the world a better place, he could start by getting rid of all those supers.

"How long do you think she'll take?" Sansweet asked as she entered a room were a bunch of broken machinery laid near the feet of a catatonic girl.

"Robinson is known for his complicated inventions. As quick as technopaths are at creating technology out of anything, this could take the girl days, maybe even weeks to construct. But if we remove the device, we might be able to get the task done more quickly." her scientist pointed out.

"Won't sending the message through the device be enough?"

"From what my studies on supers tell me, their powers are linked by emotion. In her state, she lacks the emotion and so therefore her powers won't be as cooperative. We might not even be able to get the machine done."

It was a risk, but the sooner she got the job done the better and she wanted a guaranteed success. 

"Alright, remove the device and let the girl rest. We start her again tomorrow without the device." Sansweet instructed.

"What makes you think she'll comply?"

"We give her something to work for. Everyone has a weakness that can be used as leverage." she turned to the girl and smiled darkly.


Location: Todayland, Unused RI Warehouse

Sleeping on sleeping bags on a tile floor wasn't the best way to guarantee a good night's sleep. If anything, all four of them were groaning when they woke up, stretching out their limbs and rubbing their necks.

"You know? When I pictured our first sleepover, this wasn't what I had in mind." Wilbur commented.

"Why are you even picturing that?" Violet questioned.

"It's just an expression. No need to be so literal with everything I say."

"But it's much more fun that way." Violet grinned.

"Okay. Now that we're all here, what exactly is the plan?" Penny asked.

The two bickering teens turned to her and then all three faced Hiro. But he didn't really have the slightest idea where to start. All they had discussed was that they had to stop Sansweet before anyone else could get hurt by her hands. 

Hiro went over to his bag and took out his laptop, placing it on an empty table. "You said the security was off when the robbery happened?" he asked Wilbur.

"Yeah. No one has a clue on who done it or how. It was like the system shut down completely."

"Like your electrokinesis?" Penny wondered.

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