Benefits of Video Games

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Location: Unknown

Sweat and blood dripped from his body. She was getting nowhere with him and was getting furious. Curse the NSA for making their agents so strong in both body and mind. There had to be something to break him. They did have something, but it was still in the testing stage. Maybe now would be as good a time to use it. It may have been made to use on supers, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

One of the guards entered carrying a suitcase and the woman opened it, taking out a headset.

"What is that?" William asked, worry starting to come across his face.

"Oh, this thing? It's going to make you spill everything I want to know." She smirked, spinning the device in her hand.

Location: D16 Common Room

As the days went by, S.B.W started to feel more and more like a normal school. Classes, hanging with friends, then doing homework. Yeah, the whole super ordeal was different, but they soon adjusted it to their daily routine.
For Hiro, his powers had been improving. He was still a bit shaky, but he was improving. Especially with the help of his new friends. He had friends. Sure he had friends back in San Fransokyo, but they were Tadashi's friend and they were Tadashi's friend who accepted him into their group. Here, he made his friends on his own. Plus, they were his age and understood him. They even went along when he went on about high level science. He did spend most of his day attending college level classes, but at the end of the day, he'd join them for their super classes.

"During a stealth mission, depending on your abilities, how do you pass an enemy guard? Do you:
a) Attempt to sneak pass them unnoticed?
or b) Take them out from behind?" Violet read out the question from their Field Theory homework.

"This is one of those trick questions, isn't it?" Wilbur asked, staring at his paper.

"Only here there'd be different answers for each student." Hiro commented.

"Well, at least no one can cheat, because if you copied someone else, chances are, their powers are completely different from yours." Penny said.

"With illusion and invisibility, we could easily sneak past the guard unnoticed." Penny said. "I could just create an illusion to distract him and sneak by unnoticed."

"It would less likely alert others." Violet nodded.

"It just says one guard." Hiro pointed out.

The three of them blinked at him. Clearly he missed something.

Wilbur came over and threw his arm around Hiro. "I get the whole super thing is new to you, but have you watched or read about superheroes? There's never just one bad guy."

"You've been on how many stealth missions?" Hiro questioned.

"Does breaking into my dad's time lab count?" Wilbur joked.

"Do I even want to know?" Violet raised an eyebrow at him.

"I bet he'd tell us any way." Penny laughed. But she did enjoy hearing his stories. They were interesting and she'd willingly admit it.

"As great as it sounds. We've got homework to finish first." Violet said.

"You sure know how to spoil fun." Wilbur said blantly.

"Once we get this done, you can tell all the stories you want." Violet said.

"I agree with Vi." Hiro said, getting away from Wilbur's grasp. "It'll pile up if we hold out. Plus, this is the most interesting homework I've ever had."

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