Futuristic Four! Go Time

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Location: Unknown

She had been sloppy and too confident. Her plan was known to fail from the start. If she hadn't been so focused on avenging her father, then they would've had the skeleton chip by now and would have, not only access to the NSA files, but to everything else as well. Not to mention they would have had an entire super army at their disposal. Now, all that information had been destroyed and they were back to square one. Bela Sansweet failed and was now locked away for who knows how long. Not that it mattered. She was no longer of use. 

One Month Later

Location: S.B Williams Hall

After some time rebuilding and fixing the school, also adding some buildings above ground, S.B Williams Hall had been rebuilt. Thanks to Cornelius Robinson's contribution by allowing them to use insta-buildings. The NSA had decided that the underground levels should be used for super training and in case of a massive emergency, the students would be safer below. The school was to be seen as a private boarding school to the public where the students attending had been hand picked by the board. After all, they couldn't just have anyone enrolling. Many of the students had returned and there were a few new ones. It didn't take long for everyone to readjust and get back into their usual routine. Classes went on the same, both normal and super.

In the boy's dorm room, Hiro was chatting with his aunt on his computer. From the looks of it, everyone seemed fine and Wilbur's uncle had decided to spend time at San Fransokyo. Instead of staying at a hotel, Cass had invited Gaston to stay at her place. She did respect his privacy and instead of staying in his room, Gaston stayed on the couch. Good, he didn't want to have some weird, uncomfortable feeling in his room when he got back.

"Your aunt and my uncle." Wilbur started. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that idea." he shook his head in disgust when he walked past.

"You and me both, dude." Hiro agreed, ending the chat session with his aunt. But aside from that minor detail, everything had worked out. Sansweet was locked up, he was learning how to control his powers and he had his own friends he could see whenever he wanted. Unless there was class. He even got a girlfriend. Their relationship was going well in case anyone was wondering. Same with Wilbur and Penny.

But aside from that, they could hangout whenever they were free and this time, they didn't have to stay inside school grounds. They were allowed to leave now and the town nearby was good enough for that. Permission was needed to leave.

"Better get to chemistry. Penny would be so lost without me." Wilbur said. "Enjoy your free period, mop head."

"Don't let the chemistry flow too hard between you and Pen, shark head." Hiro farewelled his friend.


During their lunch break, Violet, Wilbur, Penny and Hiro were all sitting in the new outdoor quad area, staring at a piece of paper in Hiro's hand.

"So we agreed that Invisigirl stays. Lucky for Penny.  Super Charged for Wil and I go with Micro." he recapped.

"Works for me." Wilbur gave a nod. "We still need a team mane though."

"We still have a few years to figure that out." Violet noted. "We can worry about that in the future."

At her words, Hiro suddenly got an idea. It sure worked for them, hopefully the other's agreed.

"How about we call ourselves...." he held the paper to show them.

"Sounds awesome." Violet smiled.

They heard the bell ring and knew they had to get back to class. Back to Moran's training session. None of them were really looking forward to it, but at least they did have the class together.

"Looks like the Futuristic Four will be taking down their next villain." Wilbur announced.

"Moran?" Penny raised an eyebrow.

"Last class for the day." Wilbur stated and walked away with her, leaving the other two alone.

"Was it your genius brain that came up with that name or something else?" she asked as he got up and then held his hand out to help her up.

"I'm going to say something else. Or more like someone else." he smirked.

Violet raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. "Let's get to class before we fail. Saving the day doesn't give us special treatment from Moran."

"I think he secretly loves us." Hiro shrugged and the two of them caught up with Wilbur and Penny.

When they arrived, they were immediately teamed up. Moran had them in the simulator room and being that they actually had time in the field, he decided that they should lead in example and demonstrate how the field works. They were pretty sure he just wanted to make them look bad.

When the simulator formed a jungle during night, they stood together as they heard Moran's instructions.

"Your objective is to break into your enemy's base undetected. Time starts now." his voice said over the PA.

"Futuristic Four! Go Time." Hiro smirked, doing the cracking knuckles gesture, but made the sound himself instead.

The End


AN: And that's it! I can't believe I finished it. But don't worry guys, this isn't the end. As I mentioned before, the sequel is in the works and hopefully I'll have it up by next week. I might just even edit the first chapter and have it up by the end of tonight.

First things first. I want to say thank you to everyone whose supported this fic. All your comments and likes and such inspired me to continue and update this fic whenever I can. So again thank you!

Now onto Futuristic Four: Fast Forward! 

Does that title give you any clues on to what the next part is?

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