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Location: S.B Williams Hall

Up ahead, one couldn't see much of anything. Just a whole lot of... well...wood. Just miles and miles of trees. It did beat the desert scene, but just like that, it's effect wore off.

After his chat with Dave, the rest of the trip fell to silence. Hiro looked out the window and could see a whole lot of trees up ahead. The car seemed to be heading right for it.

"What are you doing?!" Hiro asked alarmed, backing as far as he could in his seat.

"Relax." Dave said calmly and pressed a few buttons.

Before they could crash, a doorway revealed itself and the car just drove right into it.

"High tech." Hiro murmured.

"Thought a genius like you would've figured that out." Dave joked.

"A lot of this is all pretty new to me." Hiro stated.

"Fair enough." Dave nodded. He parked the car and after letting himself out, he opened up Hiro's door.

"Are the formalities necessary?" Hiro said sarcastically.

Dave simply shrugged. "You better grab your gear and check in. Just hop in the elevator and head to the first floor. They'll give your information there."

Hiro examined the parking lot and noted how no one else was there. Surely there should be more people. There couldn't so few supers.

"How come we're the only one's here?" He asked, grabbing his belongings.

"They probably took another entrance, came early or late." Dave replied. "Supers are from all over the place. Some probably took a plane to get here."

Hiro farewelled Dave and headed to the elevator. It wasn't like he'd be here forever, right? Just until things die down. They said it was a school. Not some lab where they test on people. That's against the law, isn't it? Hiro shook the thoughts from his head. He didn't need to put more worries in his head about all this.


Compared to his room back home, this one was slightly smaller.
It was suppose to room two people?
It sorta reminded him of school camp, how people were placed in cabins. He wondered if he'd get along with this roommate of his. He was going to be stuck with him for a while.

Wilbur threw his bag onto one of the beds and walked out to the window. Immediately he could tell the image outside was fake. Despite it being so clear it was like it was real, he could sense the electricity from it. Just an image. That and they were underground too. Doubt one could get an image of a starry night sky when you're several feet under.

At least he wasn't rooming with his uncle. That car ride was torturous. Wilbur swore he had repeated the same story more than twice.

Wilbur heard footsteps outside and shrugged it off, heading into the bathroom. To think he had to share this with someone. The teen turned on the tap and washed his face with the cool water. He figured he'd be good after a good night's rest.

He had been in that car forever. At least long enough, he wanted to get up. There had been pitstops for bathroom breaks and quick snacks, but the long trip did make him exhausted.

So this was the A Wing and Hiro was looking for room 113. Hiro was about to place the key in when he saw the door was opened. He raised an eyebrow and slowly pushed the door open. The room was still dark, but the bathroom light was on. Someone clearly didn't catch the roommate part. Hiro carefully placed his bag on the ground and slid against the wall towards the bathroom door. When the figure walked out, Hiro tried tackling him to the ground, but as soon as his hand touched the other guy's shoulder, Hiro was pulled forward and then pinned to the ground.

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